Open Minded

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Torri POV...

"Sakai!! It feels like we've been in these tunnels for hours. Where's the exit?" I complain.

"We're almost the.."

"Shutup. I don't want to hear that again. Actually why is there a tunnel that leads to earth?" 

"It doesn't lead to earth. It leads to the door to earth. We have to take this way since we're "criminals" otherwise we could've taken a portal straight to the door."

"But how long is the tunnel?"

Sakai stops and looks back at me.

"How far do you think Hell is from Earth? I've heard of people disappearing in these tunnels." He said with a sinister smile.

"You're joking. Nothings coming after us. You're just trying to scare me." I say with a little bit of fear in my voice.

"Did it work?"

"N-no of course not."

"Yeah it did hahaha. I'm just messing with you though." He says.

"You better be."

I keep moving through the tunnel right behind Sakai. It really felt like we had been in the tunnel for hours. 

I wanted to go back to Bernard. I missed the way he stared at me with those deep red eyes. And riding on his back. He lost a hand for me. No man has ever been that nice to me. Especially not Sakai.

"Keep up Torri." He says facing me walking backwards.

"You know, you're really not that nice Sakai."

"Why should I be nice? There isn't a point to being nice to others."

"Well there is that saying, Treat others the way you wish to be treated."

"Well everyone's treated me horribly so I act horribly too."

"You have your nice moments though. You're not all bad. You did try to save me when I was falling."

"I was definitely trying to get you off of me so I could leave."

"Sure if you say so. But Bernard is pretty nice too."

Sakai turned around and started walking forward.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"We're friends. Just like you and me. He saved me and so did you. I want the three of us to be best friends."

"That's an odd thing to want. But it probably won't happen. We won't see Bernard again after what he's done."

"What do you...."

"We're here." He says interrupting me.

"But, Sakai I want to know what you meant."

"I'll tell you another time." He says looking back at me with a forced smiled.

I look up and see hell fire burning upwards with a door knob in the middle of it. The fire was the door and it was surrounding the door knob. 

"So, welcome back to Earth Torri." Sakai said walking up to the door.

"You're going to grab that knob?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm used to hell fire at this point since I've been tortured so much."

"That's not a good thing."

"Let's go"

Sakai turns the knob and pulls the door open. He looked like he was in a lot of pain pulling that door of fire. But it opened up easily. On the inside all you could see was white. Sakai walked all the way through leaving me behind. I walked up to the door.

Sakai pops his head out and looks at me.

"I'll be nicer to you....I guess." He says extending his hand to me.

I take his hand and he pulls me through the white. It completely surrounded me and I could not see. I keep walking forward and I can feel my hand in Sakai's hand. I squeeze tighter. 

I step out the white to the other side and I'm at the cemetery I was buried at. But Sakai wasn't with me. 

I was sure we stepped out together. I was holding his hand. I looked around and didn't see him at all. There was also no sign of the door. I was alone on earth as a spirit.

"SAKAI!!!" I screamed. But no answer came. I sat down on my head stone.

"Where'd you go?" I say with tears welling up in my eyes. 

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