What the Hell?!

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"MOM!! WHERE ARE YOU?! IT'S ME, TORRI!" I scream at the top of my lungs but there isn't a response. I could've sworn I heard my mother's voice calling out to me. I know it was her.

What the fuck is going on?

"Why in the fuck is there a mother fucking door to hell in the middle of a dark ass alley in heaven. I thought they were supposed to be far below us. SOMEBODY FUCKING EXPLAIN THAT SHIT!"

I need to get out of here before that portal closes. I look back and see the portal is still more than half way open. By the looks of it, it'll stay open for about another 15 minutes. 

"What should I do?" I ask myself out loud.

I hear footsteps coming up from the hill in front of me. It sounded like two or maybe three people. I look around for a place to hide and there's no where.......but the portal. 

"I thought I heard something up here man. It sounded like someone screaming something." Says a creature.

"First of all stupid people are always screaming. We're in hell dumbass. Everyone is getting tortured." Says another creature.

"Yeah but like  it was a different type of scream you know what I mean?"

"No. Now can we go please. I wanna torture this new kid we got today. He killed this girl that was just sitting in her car. Sounds like am interesting case to me."


I look out from behind the portal and see the creatures walking away. I won't survive here. I don't know my way through this place at all. I can't even think of the first place to begin looking or my mother.

I look at the portal and see that it's half way closed now. I start to think deeply about my next decision. Is it smart? What will happen if I don't make it back in time? Why am I wasting time by thinking about?

I decided to go. I grab my halo and set a timer. For some reason our halos are literal technology that can do lots of things.

 I have a small window of time to just map out this area. I casually walk down the hill trying not to look like an angel. I watch my surroundings to be aware of any flying creatures. I haven't gotten my wings yet so I can't just swoop in and look from above.

I get down the hill and see a deserted street with lots of small buildings. I think these are houses.

I walk along the middle of the broken up street far away from the buildings. It was dead silent. No one was around, or if anyone was then they weren't showing themselves. 

I get to the end and I'm met by a cliff. It's a far way down. I can't even see the bottom. It's so dark going down.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Someone's scream echoes from below at wherever the bottom was. 

"It's a fucking torture hole! It's time to go." I feel my halo give me a one minute warning on my time. I turn around and sprint through the deserted area. I make it to the hill with fifteen seconds to spare. I try to get up the hill as fast as I can.

Ten seconds left. Half way up the hill.

I'm moving as fast as possible.

Five seconds left. Three steps away from the portal. Home sweet home baby.

One second left and I'm right in front of the super small portal and I get most of my body through.

Then some latches on to my leg and begins to pull me back into hell. 

"I've been caught....OH FUCKS NO!" I look back and see a tentacle on my ankle.


I grab my halo and turn on the shank setting. I cut through the tentacle and pull my leg towards me before the portal completely closes.

"Good thing I set the timer to twenty seconds before the portal closed or I would've lost a foot.

I'm laying on the ground and see the lights rising on the clouds. There isn't a sun here it's legit just cloud lamps. It was finally day time. I stand up and look at where the portal used to be.

"I'll be back for you mom."

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