Torture Time

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It's a dark night and I'm walking out my house to leave for my mission. My mission is to get my mother back from her torture in Hell. 

I'm walking down the alleyway where the portal was and there it is. Just existing here. I put a hand through and feel the same heat I felt the first time. I step all the way through and there's no one around. I look up in the sky and see a big screen floating. It was like a jumbo screen kind of.

It displayed an event happening. You could watch Satan torture somebody named Sakai. It's a legit event people would go and watch. 

"I wonder what kind of torture they do to these people." I say to myself.

I walk down the hill and come to the empty dark street I had seen last time. I get to the end of that and hear cheering coming from the cliff. I look down and instantly regret my whole decision. 

I put one foot over the cliff.

I jumped.



"Paige! They're torturing me live today! I'm gonna be a star.....literally! They're going to hang me from a star and spin it round and round and round." I say.

"Wow, tragic. At least you can't die." She says.

"Well, you ready to go? He's going to come in here any minute to get me for the torture. I'm not going through that. I've got the lava rocks ready to throw."

"Yup I got this. We're getting you back to heaven where you belong."

I hear the sound of Satan's big ass feet walking toward my door. I stand up and ready myself with lava rocks burning through my hand. But I didn't care, it was time for me to get out of here.

"Yo Sakai baby! You ready to go?" Says Satan as he walks through the door.

Paige extends tentacles from her body and latches on to him. 

"What the fuck?!" He says. He was caught in our trap.

I throw my lava rocks into his eyes and he screams in agony. A small evil looking smile crossed my lips as he was screaming. I was only enjoying the sound of his pain. I brought my foot back and got ready to kick him in the face.

"SAKAI!! LET"S GOOOO!!" Paige screams, snapping me back to the real world.

I grab Paige and run through the door. I make a left then a right then another left and two more rights and reach a door.

"This is it Paige, we're getting out." I say

I grab the door handle and turn it. I push the door open and light shines through, blinding me.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD SHOW!" Says someone in the distance.

I look up and realize that we didn't make it out. We were still stuck....and I was about to be tortured. I looked at Paige and she was smiling.

"Paige?" I say confused.

"Hehehehehe, wow. You really thought you were gonna escape. That's fucking hilarious." She says.

She flies out of my hand and begins to transform. She gets bigger and bigger, until she's about my height. She made herself look human and she comes up close to my face.

"I was never on your side you idiot. I was plotting against you the whole time. Satan knew about the plan. It's apart of your torture. If only you could climb out the hole. It's literally just straight up from here. What really sucks though is you're totally my type, we would've had lots of fun together." She says.

"You lying, scheming ass bitch. You underestimate me. I'm not getting tortured today or any other day. I'm going back to Heaven whether you like it or not." 

I rip off my already tattered shirt and unleash my secret weapon. I've been waiting to use this since I got here. Nobody knows that I still have them. Which is an advantage.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat but uh... I gotta fly." I say flexing out my grey wings from my back. Paige's face is so surprised she can't even get a word out.

"And by the way Paige, you couldn't handle this dick, it's a little TOO big for you. Byeeee." I fly upward into the darkness of the hole leaving behind only a large gust of wind from my departure.

After I get up high enough I look back to make sure no one is following me and they're all just sitting there staring. I turn back forward and instantly I'm hit with something so heavy. It weighs me down and is pulling me back down toward the torture arena.


"What the fuck?!" I say looking at the object that fell on me. It was a girl. Her wings were a pale pink color and looked amazing against her brown skin. I couldn't help but admire her. She was the most beautiful thing in the world that was also leading me straight to my death.

"Get the fuck off of me bitch! You're gonna kill us both." I say still falling down.

"First of all I ain't nobody's bitch so check that tone! Second, I can't move my fucking wings!" She says.

"You can't move them cause you got that dumbass backpack on them! I'll take it off for you." I  say reaching for her bag.

"Ummm quick question. Who's the big demon down there? He just walked out the side door." She says.

I look down and see Satan staring at me smiling. Fuck.

"Shit! Look, right when I get this bag off of you fly up and out of here. Don't let him catch you. I'm guessing you're from Heaven so go back and don't come here again. Got it?" I say, while tugging at her bag.

"What?! I'm not leaving, I just got here. I have to find my mother. And I can't just abandon you. I mean I barely know you but you seem nice." She says.

"I'm literally from Hell, how am I nice?" I say confused.

"Nevermind." She says rolling her eyes.

"Ok I got the bag off, now go. Don't worry about me I'll be fine."

"But you can clearly fly too so come with me." She says.

She opens her wings so gracefully and grabs my arm. She flies up while holding me tightly.

"I'm not letting go okay? So start flapping those beautiful grey wings of yours and get to the top. We'll trade places. I'll go down and you'll go up." She says.

This girl is really down for me. I gotta have her.

"No, I'm going back down and I'm helping you get your mother. You'll need me cause you don't know this place like I do."

She looks down at me and nods her head with a smile.

"Okay, Let's do this..."

"Sakai. My name is Sakai."

"Okay Sakai, I'm Torri." She says.

She let's go of my arm and pulls her wings in. We both free fall right back to the middle of the arena. I look Satan in the eye.

"I should've kicked you when I had the chance." I said to him.

"Yeah well, should've, could've, would've Bitch."

"HA! I say that too. Hahahaha." Torri says laughing.

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