Secrets Within

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Torri's POV...

The man ties me to the ground and I sit there on my knees dreading my fate. I look up at Bernard but he's not looking at me. The man lifts up his sword and I bring my head down and close my eyes. I tried to imagine happy things but it wasn't working out. I heard the sword come down with a slash and an unbearable rush of pain went through my back.

I screamed in agony. Tears were rolling down my face. I opened my eyes and I was still tied up. I felt a drop of something fall onto my face. I look up and see Bernard standing in the way of the butcher. He had got his hand slashed off. 

I look behind me and see one of my wings on the ground covered in blood. The other was perfectly fine. I look back up at Bernard and he punched the Butcher in the face with his other hand. The butcher was knocked out after that.

Bernard took the sword and cut the restrains from my arms. I sat there for a moment taking everything in.

"Why?" I say looking down at ground.

"You didn't do anything wrong Torri. You were pushed into this mess. Literally." Bernard says pulling me up off the ground.

"Literally? What do you mean?"

"I...I was the one that pushed you through the portal. I was just doing as I was ordered to. They thought you'd be able to take out Satan and when you didn't.....they decided to dispose of you." 

"When you say they you mean the council? And you pushed me through?"

Bernard picks me up off the ground and puts me on his back. He picks up my severed wing and hands it to me to carry.

"Bernard? Answer me." I demand.

"Yes, it's the council. We can't waste anymore time talking. We have to get out of here."

"And go where?"

"To the only place they can't see you without going physically. Earth."

"Wait, you're taking me to earth?"

"Yes, you have to get out of the afterlife. If you go to earth you will live there as a ghost or spirit. You'll be a good spirit and you can watch over your family if you want. The only person who travels to earth is God."

Bernard carries me out the butchers room and into the hallways.

"Is your hand okay..?" I ask feeling a little guilty.

"It's fine. I'll be okay."

"If I'm going to Earth, are you coming with me?"

Bernard stops in his tracks and looks back at me. He smiles.

"No, you'll have Sakai with you."

"Are we going to get him?"

"Well actually I left his cell door slightly open so he could meet us at the tunnels."

"You planned this from the start? Why?"

"Because it's time the council face the repercussions for their actions. They cannot play with the afterlives of the angels and sinners. We're still looking for that women they lost."

"Bernard, I...."

"We're here. There's Sakai."

We catch up to Sakai and Bernard puts me down. 

"Torri! Are you alright? You're wing? It's been cut off."

 Sakai gets a angry expression on his face and grabs Bernard's robe and pushes him up against the wall.

"You were supposed to keep her wings intact. Why is she standing her with one wing in her hand and one on her back?!"Sakai says angrily at Bernard.

"I hesitated when the time came. But if you didn't notice my hand got cut off because of my hesitation. Now let go of me."

"You hesitated Bernard?" I say surprised.

"I had a weak moment and I thought about what would happen if I saved you and if I didn't."

Sakai let go of Bernard's robe and apologized to him for being so harsh. Bernard urges us to go into the tunnel. Sakai goes in before me. Before I step inside I look at Bernard. He gives me that smile again. I walk up and give him the tightest hug possible.

"I'll come back for you Bernard."

"Call me Barry."

"Well, till next time then, Barry." I say smiling.

"Get a room weirdos." Sakai says sounding jealous.

A small laugh escapes my lips and I climb into the tunnels. I wave to Bernard and he closes the entrance to the tunnel. 

"To Earth we go Sakai." I say.

"Yeah yeah....To Earth we go haha."

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