What's the Plan

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I'm sitting at home in my room with a whiteboard in front of me.

"I need to come up with a plan. And quickly. I don't want to make my mom wait any longer."

I start to write on the board with a red marker. I've come up with the gist of the plan.

First I'm gonna pack up what I think I'll need when I go to Hell. Things like a flashlight and batteries, food, and my halo. I plan on being there for at least a day. I've learned that the portal opens every night so that the demons can taught then damned and show them what their missing out on. Typical. But after I pass through the portal I have the rest of the night to get back. If I don't get back in time I'll stay in an empty building with all the supplies I packed just in case. I'll need a map too.

Knock Knock...

I hear a knock at my door and I walk down the stairs to open it. It was God.

"Good afternoon Torri. I've come by on official business." He says.

"Official business? About....what?" I say hesitantly. Did he find out I went to Hell the other night?

"I have spoken with the council about what to do with you about..."

"What?! What to do with me? Am I being kicked out??" I say interrupting him in a panic.

"Huh? No, we've decided to give you your wings. Your angel wings. Calm down child. You haven't done anything wrong." As he says this I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, of course haha. Silly me. It's just my angel wings. How exactly does this work?" I say.

"Well it's a painless process. Please turn around and close your eyes for me."


I hear the sound of magic and sparkles and feel something cold go down my spine. I bend my back a little from the cold. Right after that a warm and soft sensation comes across my whole back.

"Open your eyes." He says.

I open my eyes and look back at God. He was gone.

I run up to my room and look at myself in my mirror cloud. They were the most beautiful thing in the world. Pale pink feathers that reached all the way to my feet. They were giant yet they didn't weigh anything.

"THANK YOU GOD! YOU A REAL ONE!" I shout loudly.

I run outside and take them out for a spin. They were so easy to use and I could go as fast as I wanted.

I walk back to my room and added my wings to the equation.

"This'll make things easier." I say with a devious smirk on my face.



"Okayyy Paige. You got a plan?" I ask.

"Hahaha.....No. You're the one trying to escape not me. I can come and go as I please." She says.

"Well you're coming with me though right? I need my wing woman. You gotta find me the perfect wife that won't try to use me for my money."

"First of all there's no currency in the afterlife. Are you dumb or just stupid Sakai?"

"Yeah yeah whatever." I say as she mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that? I didn't hear you clearly Paige."

"I...I didn't say anything...." She says with her face turning red.


I stare at the ground thinking about a way to get out of here. I can't go straight through the door. It wouldn't work out. The only way out is that door though. And there's nothing useful in here.

"Sakai?" Paige says.


"I've got a plan. I can use my magic to help you. So here's what I've got. I will distract Satan and his woman the next time they come to torture you. And you will use the lava rocks and throw them in their eyes. Satan will be immobile for about thirty seconds Which is enough time for you to run. Now, do you remember the way out of the hole?"

"Yeah I remember how. This is a great plan. How are you getting away though? Just gonna slide out while I throw the rocks?"

"Yeah, we're getting out of here together Sakai. You and me."

"Hell fucking yeah." I say showing a scheming smile on my face at Paige.

I'm finally getting out of here and I'll finally get to use them again.

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