Part 06

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"So what are we gonna do next, boss?"  Da Qing asked.  It has been 2 days he and Zhao Yunlan locked the possessed man in a cage.  They don't know how to kill this creature.

Zhao Yunlan no longer had the power to kill.  Sure, his body could still heal by itself, Zhao Yunlan could also use some spells, but not to kill.  The sword sealed itself when Wuxie dead.  Before that, only he and Wuxie could drew that sword.  At present all the army weapons given by Wuxie have been lost, perhaps already buried very deep.  Zhao Yunlan must think of a way to kill this creature before they haunt humans and cause trouble.  Zhao Yunlan was also worried that there were more than one creature like this.

"How about we track him boss?"  Da Qing suggested


"Yes, I mean we can find out where this creature came from" Da Qing explained "Maybe we can find something there. My nose can track them"

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are Yashou, of course you have that ability" Zhao Yunlan nodded "Well, I think that's a good idea.  I worry if there are more than one of these creatures"

"Then let’s go boss" Da Qing exclaimed and Zhao Yunlan nodded.


It has been two days since Shen Wei saw a corpse brought out of his house, so far Shen Wei hasn't asked his parents and his parents also never mentioned this to Shen Wei, they acted as usual as if nothing happened.  This night, Shen Wei decided to look outside and find out what happened.  At midnight, just like last night, Shen Wei heard some people working on something in his house.

Shen Wei crept in, approaching the source of the sound.  Until finally he arrived in his father's room.  That room must not be entered by anyone.  But luckily, that night the door to the room opened.  Shen Wei saw few people talking with his father.  they voice were faint so that Shen Wei had difficulty knowing what they were talking about.  But Shen Wei saw his father touching a woman's forehead and the woman fell asleep immediately.  Is his father a magician?  Shen Wei felt confused.

Shen Wei could also see a large box that was even taller than him, the box covered by a black cloth.  He wondered what was actually in the room.

"Xiao Wei?"  his mother called from behind "What are you doing here?"

Apparently, his mother's voice not only surprised Shen Wei, but also made his father aware of Shen Wei's whereabouts and approached his son and his wife.

"What's going on?"  his father asked "Xiao Wei?"

"Uh, I can't sleep because it's too noisy so I decided to check it" Shen Wei replied

"What did you see?"  his father asked again

"Nothing, I have only been here for a few seconds" Shen Wei did not know what was happening and he felt a little suspicious so he could not possibly say anything he saw to his parents.  "What is that noise dad?  Can we install a soundproof in my room later?"  Yes, he tried to play innocent here, since he didn't know what happened.

"That noise?  Uh, I want to renovate my office, but since there's a lot of important files there I decided to ask them to renovate it at night so I can watch them.  You know exactly that your father is so busy "

"Don't work too hard dad, you need to rest too"

"I know, my son ... come on, let's go to your room we will accompany you"

"Okay" Shen Wei nodded

They arrived in Shen Wei's room, the attitude of his parents made Shen Wei even more suspicious.  They seemed to not want Shen Wei to know what exactly they were doing.

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