Part 10

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“Wuxie was right, you are really look like him

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“Wuxie was right, you are really look like him. How do you feel now after you become human completely, you little demon!” Fu Shen Xing glared at Shen Wei angrily “How could such a little demon hiding behind Bai Qi?”

“I……” Shen Wei took a step back because to be honest, he was very afraid of Fu Shen Xing since that man gave him an evil glare and Shen Wei could feel his anger “I don’t know what are you talking about. Where’s Zhao Yunlan?”

“Why? Do you need him to protect you? He already who you are so he won’t protect you anymore! Stop disguising as Wuxie, you are not worth it!” Fu Shen Xing shouted and summoned his blade “And give back what Wuxie gave to you!”

Fu Shen Xing swung his blade toward Shen Wei but luckily Shen Wei dodged and the blade cut the table into half instead. Shen Wei widened his eyes after witnessed what just happened. He would surely died instantly if he didn’t have a good reflex. But Fu Shen Xing didn’t give up as he swung his blade again and Shen Wei jumped then hid behind wooden accent cabinet. He was sweating and very pale because of his fear.

“Zhao Yunlan!” Shen Wei called out for help “Da Qing!”

“Stop calling their name you little demon! They won’t help you!” Fu Shen Xing suddenly appeared in front of Shen Wei and put his blade on Shen Wei’s neck “Your destiny is on my hand, I want Wuxie back so you have to die!”

Fu Shen Xing swung his blade as Shen Wei closed his eyes but then when he was about to cut Shen Wei, a sword blocked him right above Shen Wei’s head. It was Zhao Yunlan with his sword. Zhao Yunlan pushed Fu Shen Xing until the latter dropped his blade. Shen Wei opened his eyes slowly only to see Zhao Yunlan stood in front of him with his red eyes.

“Bai Qi what are you doing?” Fu Shen Xing frowned

“I should be the one who asked that question!” Zhao Yunlan yelled “What are you doing?”

“Xiao Weiwei are you okay?” Da Qing crouched down to check on Shen Wei then helped him to stand up “Are you hurt?”

“N…” Shen Wei was still very afraid until he didn’t know what to say. Zhao Yunlan turned his head to Shen Wei and glared at him with his red eyes that made Shen Wei was getting afraid and he lowered his eyes to avoiding eye contact with Zhao Yunlan.

“Are you hurt?” Zhao Yunlan asked firmly, it wasn’t like Zhao Yunlan that Shen Wei used to know at all. Shen Wei just shook his head. That was enough answer for Zhao Yunlan so now he turned his focus to the man who made this chaos at first place “Stop making a mess, that is not written in our deal! If you dare to touch this man then I will not help you and send you back to whatever place that you came from!”

“But this is the part of our deal!” Fu Shen Xing said “Don’t you want Wuxie back? He will never back if you still keep that little demon in your house!”

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