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"Find anything yet Bonnie?" I called out, slapping Damon's hand away from my pancake batter for about the millionth time in the last twenty minutes.

He smirked, plucking a blueberry from the carton and tossing it in his mouth,

"She hasn't found anything because there's nothing to find." He called out towards the study, ensuring it would be heard before turning the volume up on the kitchen radio, "Been the three of us for months and newsflash, the population hasn't miraculously grown in the last day."

He took the spatula flipping the pancakes dramatically while bobbing his head to whatever 80's headbanger was blasting out of the portable radio.

I grinned helplessly at his antics, while simultaneously rolling my eyes at his bad attitude. Damon Salvatore may have been what most would consider a friend, but he could be a real dick.

I was about to plate the rest of our breakfast as Bonnie rounded the corner, stalking into the kitchen and shutting off the music instantly,

"Would it kill you to have a little hope Peter Pessimist?" Damon looked to me for support, at the same time Bonnie did but I held up my hands in surrender,

"Switzerland." I reminded them impatiently, of my consistent neutral stance "But in her defense, the crossword thing was weird."

Bonnie crossed her arms with a grin, "That's Nat's way of saying Bonnie's right."

"Nooo" Damon objected, "That's just Baby Gilbert's way of clinging to your hopeless cause. Highschooler optimism runs thick in this house." Damon reminded her, jerking his thumb in my direction.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, nudging him with my elbow, "I was on track to graduate early thank you very much!" I didn't mention that it seemed very unlikely I would have ever graduated at all, considering what I'd been up to these last few months, but who was keeping track, "Besides." I continued pointedly, "My high schooler optimism is endearing, pleasant even."

"No offense little Gilbert." He shrugged. "But two nutcases in 1994 is a lot to handle on top of my excellent chef skills." He flipped another pancake in the air for emphasis, as Bonnie's eyes narrowed to slits.

I winced as his comment set off another round of back and forth arguments in the Salvatore kitchen, while my blueberry pancakes sizzled on the stove.

"You just don't want to hope that you'll see Elena again so you pretend like none of these signs mean anything!" Bonnie exclaimed, slamming her grimoire down on the counter, and sending the carton of eggs over the ledge. I watched helplessly as they splattered on the ground.

"Or I just don't want to have to apologize to her for killing you because you won't just let me enjoy Def Leopard in my own hellscape." Damon put a finger to his lips, turning the volume back up on the radio, as Bonnie glared at him.

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