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Reminder: Text in *these symbols* are dialogues between Ayumi and ghosts. The character in this chapter's cover is Ayumi. Please read the Author's Note if you haven't.

My left eye turned white, trying to find where Cassandra was.

*Hey? Cassandra?* I ask, turning to the ghost that has been my best friend ever since I've awakened my quirk.

*Ya need somethin' Ayumi?* Cassandra responded. I love the way she talks.

*I'm bored* I told her.

*We have many choices today missy. We could steal sum' cotton candy, break one of those whopper soda machin' thingies, or even rob a holy bank* I wasn't really really familiar with this place, since I'm only here until June 14. It's June 11 right now.

*Can we do something normal for once?* I asked, facepalming. I didn't even know what the word normal meant anymore. Interacting with ghosts is abnormal enough, not to mention being able to bring them back to life for a minute or two.

*How 'bout walkin' over to that sketchy alleyway over there?* Cassandra responds, pointing to a sketchy alleyway over there. Use your imagination kids.

*Sure, sooo fun* I retorted. I used my ghost x-ray vision, allowing me to see through everything except ghosts, making it easy to find them. I didn't see any ghosts wondering around in that alleyway, so it didn't look all that interesting to me. Cassandra looked pumped and ready for a 10k race though, if I ever had lost all my brain cells and revived her. Hell no.

Cassandra used to be some person who believed in things like astrology. She died in the shower, she still doesn't know how or why. She blames it on the stalker next door.

We walked into the alleyway, kicking what ever kind of rotting garbage there was in there, including bashing a trashcan. We- I must've made a lot of noise though, since Cassandra couldn't touch anything, or make any noise.

*Hey Cassandra, how's it like being a ghost?* I questioned.

She giggled a little bit and replied, *Sweety it's verycoldandgloomy. Don't die anytime soon unless you want to experience -20°C in the daytimes and -38°C in the nighttimes, or very blurred vision and not being able to go to sleep cuz' you're a ghost.*

*Well to make you feel even better (not), it's right now 21°C and it's going to be 16°C in the night. You ghosts are really dying out there. Oh wait, you're already dead* I flexed. Cassandra huffed and we walked further in.

I stopped right in my tracks and de-activated my quirk, as my eyes returned to it's normal brown color. I saw three people, probably men, all fully masked, except one which only had a mask that covered the bottom half of his face.

One stood in a white raincoat with a tinted gold and brown bird beak mask. They all had bird beak masks, actually. Never mind, they're plague masks.

Another man looked at me, fully attired in black clothing and a black plague mask.

The last one, the most intimidating one, wore a green coat with purple hoodie fur. Under that was a black dress shirt and white tie. He wore a tinted gold and scarlet red mask that covered only his nose and mouth. He was the closest thing to a rainbow here. How are these guys not breaking a sweat?

The two who were wearing all black and the white raincoat took out guns and pointed them to me. The one in the black asked, "What's your name?"

606 words

Ghostly: An Overhaul StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt