[Chapter 5]

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Reminder: Text in *these symbols* are dialogues between Ayumi and ghosts. Please read the Author's Note if you haven't.

I open the door and...

I see three men. One was tall and muscular, he looked pretty serious. He had a white surgical mask on. Another had a scarecrow-like bad over his head. The last had yellow hair, large eyes, and had a bird beak mask. They all stopped talking and looked towards me. Wrong room.

"What're you doing here?" The buff one said. Oh gosh.

I turned tails and ran back into the hallway and ran in random directions. Now I remember what I should've done! I should've asked Cass and Dane to check the room out for me! Damn it I'm an idiot. I can hear running behind me. My eye turned white.

*What's the direction of the exit to this place?* I asked, running. The two ghosts stayed quiet. *You don't know!?* I yell.

*I think you just have to go straight for now* Dane muttered. *I'll tell you when to turn*

I nodded and just ran forwards. I kept running, looking at Dane constantly, not wanting to miss the turn.

Just as I cross a hallway intersection, I see a small black plush thing with a white mask. He seemed to be holding some money and twirling around a chain of keys. He widened his eyes and instantly shouted "HEY! THAT AYUMI GIRL'S LOOSE, CATCH HER YOU  IDIOTS!"

The small plush then ran in the other direction, I'm not sure where.

*Oh yeah, the buff lookin' dude is Hojo, he can make crystals. Scarecrow bitch is Tabe, otherwise known as food guy. And the guy with wide-ass eyes is Setsuno* Cassandra explains briefly.

*Turn left! Now!* Dane shouts. I make a sharp turn, and now I'm running left. Suddenly, I hear less footsteps chasing me then before. I look back, to see that Hojo disappeared.

*Ayumi! Watch out!* Cassandra shouts.

I look forward, and see a wide crystal chunk blocking the hallway. It was far too high to jump over, and way too durable to punch through. Maybe I should just surrender. Maybe I'm ready to bring back another ghost? I activate my ghost x-ray vision but I don't see any ghost in the base other then Cassandra and Dane.

Maybe I should use my pocket knife. I reached down to my jean pocket, but then realized something. I remember that Dane said Setsuno can teleport things that other people are holding into his own hands, so using a weapon is completely useless. *Should I surrender?* I ask.

They just both shrugged, and I mentally facepalmed. I look at the two Hassaikai in front of me, and soon, four more arrived. Hojo, Mimic, Overhaul, and Chronostasis. Oh boy am I in trouble. I tried to bring Dane back to life, but there was no use. I was still recovering my quirk energy from before.

"Put your hands up, deactivate your quirk, and drop that knife in your pocket," Overhaul ordered. I glance at Cass and Dane one last time and then I couldn't see them any more. I reach for the knife and let go of it. It made a loud "clank" noise when it hit the floor. I then raise my arms up.

Another one of the Hassaikai member arrived. It was Nemoto. He stood with the group, but then asked, "Why did you try to run away?"

I already know what happens when he asks a question, so I'll let my subconscious do the talking for me. "I forgot the directions Chrono told me," I blabbed out.

Why did I have to say his name, dang it. Overhaul just stood there, probably thinking of what to do. I know forgetting directions is out-right pitiful, but can they really blame me?

To be honest, I think I have a really bad memory. It was only three fucking things I had to remember and I screwed it up. I knew it that he didn't say left that much times! "Hojo, good work. Setsuno, Tabe, Hojo, get back to work. Kurono, Shin, Mimic, and Y/N, come with me," Overhaul ordered. Hojo's crystal wall was brought down. I tilt my head a little left, and I could literally see the exit. Damn it. So close.

Overhaul started walking down the hall. Mimic, Nemoto, and Chrono followed. When Overhaul told people to follow him, he said Kurono and Shin, but not Chrono and Nemoto. Shin sounded like a first name, and Kurono sounded like a last name. That means Nemoto's first name is Shin, and Chrono's surname is Kurono. Noted.

Overhaul was in front, 'Kurono' second with Mimic beside him, me fourth, and 'Shin' behind me. "If I see your eye turn white, you're going to be in trouble," Nemoto says. No wonder he was behind me. After passing a couple halls, I see the open door of the room thar Tabe, Setsuno, and Hojo was in. Then I see the open door of my room. Besides those two rooms, every other door was closed and it was impossible to tell which door led to what.

After a long lasting minute, Overhaul finally opened a door and stepped inside. Soon, me and the other two were inside as well. There was a large desk with organized papers and a cup of pens on it. An office chair was behind it. There was a plant in every corner, and there was a large painting on the left and right side of the room.

The sparkling hallway walls, this minimalism, and this cleanliness. Is Overhaul a germaphobe? It would explain it all. Besides, so far, almost all of my assumptions were right so far. Why shouldn't this be?

Overhaul sat down on the chair, so I guess this is his office or whatever.

Overhaul sighs, and then says, "Nemoto, go for it."

987 words

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