[Chapter 8]

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Reminder: Text in *these symbols* are dialogues between Ayumi and ghosts. Please read the Author's Note if you haven't.

Ayumi Rei, I'm coming for you.

§-time skip-§

Ayumi's POV:

"Hehe! Mom, you're tickling me!" I say in between laughter.

It was my seventh birthday. I was an only child. I spent most of my days with my mom, dad, and grandparents. I was homeschooled because my father didn't trust the other children.

"Sweetheart, open the presents!" My grand-mom encourages. I get out of my mother's grasp and run towards the four presents sitting on the table. I grabbed the smallest one first, and looked at it's tag. It's from grandpa! I looked over to him as he gave a closed-eye smile. I shake the box a little bit, but I can't hear anything move. The present was not too heavy, but I doubt it's empty.

I used some scissors to unravel the ribbon and open the box. I pull out a swan necklace. I hold it out in front of me and run to gramps. "Thank you! It's so pretty and shiny!" I exclaim. My grandpa gives a hearty laugh as I make my way through the other gifts.

My mother gave me a new waterbottle with my favorite animal, the swan, printed on it. The swan was so cute. It said, "Swan-e-go!" I giggled when I read it, and my mom gave me a cheeky smile.

My father gave me a new pair of shoes. They were black Converse shoes. My old pair was pretty worn out anyways.

Last but not least, my grandmother gave me a Nintendo Switch. It was the first console or electronic I've ever been granted. I'm so excited to test it out! I hug my grandma and then run upstairs to test it out.

I activate my quirk. *Hey! Cassandra! You won't believe it! I got a Nintendo Switch!* I exclaim.

*Woah, test it out!* Cassandra joys. Although I knew that she probably already knew that a Nintendo Switch was my present, I didn't let that stop me from flexing. I open up the packaging and pull out the device.

I turn it on and grab the blue and red controls. *It's multiplayer...* I drift off. I look at Cassandra while the Switch turns on. *Wanna play with me?* I asked.

*Y'know that ain't possible right?* Cassandra says.

*Well, you never know until you try!* I laugh. I focus for a second, and stare at Cass. I imagine her being a real human being and close my eyes for a second. I open them, and Cassandra was standing right before me.

"Well let's get this party rolling, yeah?"

Knock, knock, knock. I wake up and stare at my room door. At least it was fixed now. "Ayumi? Open this stupid door that we've spent so long to fix!" It sounded like Mimic.

I yawn, and then reply, "I just woke up."

"I don't give a damn just open the do-" Mimic got cut off.

Instead, I hear Nemoto clearing his throat and then say, "Overhaul would like to see you Ayumi."

"Okay," I yell. I get up and walk over to the brand new door. Nemoto was standing beside the door, as Mimic was counting a stack of money on Nemoto's shoulder.

"I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves yet," Nemoto states calmly. "I'm Shin Nemoto, but call me Nemoto."

"I'm Mimic," the small plush muttered.

"Okay," I sighed. I already knew their names, so this is kind of awkward. Nemoto started walking down the hall, starting left. Then he turned right and opened the second door to the left. I swear to god Chrono gave me the wrong directions.

The three of us walked into the room as my eyes met Overhauls. Memories of the kiss between us flashed in my mind. I break the gaze by looking away. Nemoto left the room along with Mimic.

After the shut of the door, the office went quiet or a moment or so. Overhaul spoke up, "So."

"So?" I ask nervously. He stared at me with his amber bold-shot eyes. He holds his arms and sighs silently.

"That.. kiss," he started. I could feel a drip of sweat come down my face. This became awkward fast. "What do you think of it?" he continued.

"W-Well, it was kind of my first, so..." I trailed off. "U-Um, it was okay."

"And you're aware that I was... Not in control of my actions?" he asks in a slick voice.

"U-uh, y-yeah," I stutter. Overhaul leans back on his chair and sighs once again. Can this moment not get any more awkward? Soundless moments pass by and I twiddle by thumbs. Overhaul closes his eyes for a second, and then opens them back up again. He leans to face me.

"Call me Overhaul. You've probably been thinking of why you're here, yes?" Overhaul asks. That's what I've been thinking day and night!

"Yes." I replied.

"There's going to be a masquerade party in a week. Only villains can come," Overhaul explained boringly. "The thing is, you have to have a partner with you."

"Is that why I'm here?" I ask. At least I didn't stutter.

"We didn't plan on having you at first. We only found out about the party right after your capture," Overhaul states.

"What were y-you going to do if you didn't find out about t-the party?" I asked. Damn my curiosity. If he was going to kill me, I should be glad they found about the party.

"Kill you," he says blandly. Alright problem solved. "The party is in 6 days, we'll prepare you for that."

I nodded. "In case you're wondering, you won't be able to use your quirk until tomorrow morning. While you're chatting here with me, a calendar and clock is being installed inside of your room right now," Overhaul informs me. A source of time sounds nice. "You're excused."

I bow to him and then turn to the door. I look around but see no escort. I close the door. If the instructions are left, right, and second door to the left, then all I have to do it is turn right, and then turn left, correct? Don't fail me now, brain. I go through the familiar halls, and open the door that I'm pretty sure is supposed to be mine.

Good grief, the room is mine. But now I take notice of a wireless digital clock resting on my nightstand. A small calendar was hung up beside the washroom door. I look at my dresser and see a large plate of food with a glass of water.

Breakfast time!

I look at the clock and it was actually 4:00 p.m.

Lunch time! Or was it really dinner time? Eh.

Lunner time!


1147 words

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