the fair

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i got that text and after i decided to head down to the kitchen

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i got that text and after i decided to head down to the kitchen. i left the room quietly and made sure i didn't wake up ava. "jack." he jumped after i said that. "oh my god you scared me e!" "sorry but i have a question. what are your plans for tomorrow? and don't say hanging out with the boys because zach texted me." "i swear i'm gonna kill him.. well you see..i have plans with anna." "anna? like my sister anna?" "yeah well anna and jonah." "oh?" "yeah." "ok j um i'll be right back. if anyone asks say i went to the store." "um ok??" i got in my car and drove to anna's place. she opened the door. "em?" "anna. we need to talk." she let me in and we sat on the couch. i started talking. "i think i'm doing something bad." "what is it?" "you know, sneaking around with zach and all that stuff." "how is that bad? i've been doing the same thing with jonah for over a year." "i'm sorry you WHAT?" "oh um i- nothing." "oh my god jack said- anna you have to tell me everything right now." "ok well we've obviously been dating for a while but i've been keeping it a secret. however i am planning on telling daniel soon." "when is soon?" "when you tell daniel about zach." "oh so soon is never?" "emily." "anna." "you have to tell him sometime." "i will later on but me and zach aren't even dating right now. we're just...talking." "you guys have literally had your first kiss." "he hasn't asked me out though." "you guys are tiring. now go back to jack's and have fun tomorrow." "have fun with jonah and jack tomorrow. love you." "oh shut up em." i left and headed back to jack's. when i got there zach was in the kitchen. "oh. hey." "hey um where'd you go?" "just over to anna's." "oh fun." "yeah we were just talking about life." "sounds interesting." "yeah definitely." i started walking away. "hey uh what are you doing this week?" "well tomorrow i'm hanging out with ava and spending the night but after that i'm free." "do you wanna hang out maybe?" "yeah i'd love too. i'll text you." "ok that sounds good. night em." "night." i walked upstairs back into ava's room and she was still asleep. i eventually ended up falling asleep. when i woke up in the morning ava was still asleep. i decided to get ready. by the time i was finished she was up. "cmon get ready for your surprise!" she went and got ready. we got in the car and headed to the fair. "was this blindfold really necessary emily?" "yes. it was. now just enjoy the music." we finally arrived and i took off her blindfold. "no way! EM YOU TOOK US TO THE FAIR?!" "YES DO YOU LIKE IT?" "I LOVE IT!! I HAVENT BEEN IN AGES I MISSED IT SO MUCH!!" "CMON LETS GO." we got out of the car and ran everywhere we possibly could. we even stopped to get a few pictures. i got one in front of this game and right after we took it we played the game. i won a pig and it was so cute! we headed over to the ferris wheel and got a few pictures. "do you wanna go on the ferris wheel?" ava asked. "oh heck no! i'm so scared of heights!!" "good because i hate heights too." "LETS GO LOOK AT OTHER THINGS!" we ran around and went to tons of different games and rides. we decided to stop for food. i got basic chicken tenders with fries and she got a pizza. we ate and talked about life. after we finished we decided to play even more games. we had finished doing everything at the fair and it was late so we decided to head back. i was gonna post the pictures we took after i got back. "em, i love you so much. thank you for today. i really needed it." "awh of course. it's no problem. i missed you and i missed the fair! i love you too ava." we sang our hearts out all the way home and when we got inside we were so happy. jack was standing in the kitchen. "well you two seem to be in a good mood." he said. "a VERY good mood. em took me to the fair!" ava had responded. "really? wow that's amazing. i cant remember the last time you guys went to the fair." "it was lots of fun. i'm happy i'm back here." i said. "well we're glad you're here too." ava and i both headed upstairs and i decided to post the pics.

" ava and i both headed upstairs and i decided to post the pics

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