katsuki bakugou was never soft. he hated being soft. not even as a child, in which not many people care to have a certain personality, was he soft. so why did this change when an obnoxiously happy girl transferred into class 1-A? why did his heart skip a beat when she sent him soft smiles? why did he find himself thinking about her long after the school day had ended? and why did he find himself wishing he could hold her every time she walked in the room? these questions annoyed him. she annoyed him. but she didn't annoy him as much as she made him go soft.

the explosive boy sat in class, a frown on his face as he blocked out the droning of his sensei, not worrying about learning what he's already perfected. instead, he looked out the window at the swaying trees with golden and cherry red leaves. he let his mind wander, thinking about the school festival, feeling a little annoyance at the half and half boy who put in no effort; however, that quickly faded as he also remembered the first time he has ever seen her. she was so effortlessly composed, yet also not afraid to make mistakes. she was strong. stronger than anyone he had ever met, including the girls in his class. not even one of his very intentional blasts kept her from working hard to advance. her quirk wasn't strong, but god did she know how to use it. and even-

"bakugou," aizawa snapped, pulling him from his thoughts harshly. he looked at his teacher with a blank stare as he waited for his next words.

"if you're so confident with your abilities in this subject, why don't you inform the class what the cosine of 60 degrees is?" bakugou glanced at the class and scowled at them, causing their attention to turn right back to the board. he muttered out '0.5' before turning to look out of the window again. he didn't bother to listen to what aizawa had to say after he answered. this was a recurring issue with bakugou as of late. his thoughts wound up wandering back to a certain annoying girl who was currently sitting right behind deku. that was also an issue. every day she walked past him to get to her seat, he got hit with her overwhelmingly sweet scent of vanilla and burning wood. she would tap her foot lightly, but still hard enough for bakugou to hear her shoe against the tile. and every time she knew the answer to something, her sweet, honey-like voice pierced the air and infiltrated bakugou's mind.

"and that's all. feel free to begin packing up and getting ready for lunch." bakugou snapped back to reality at the sound of students shuffling and his teacher dismissing them. he growled slightly as deku walked past him and towards his friends, grabbing his book bag and shoving all of his papers in it. he stood harshly and made his was to the door, not sparing a glance at those who considered themselves his friends. he needed to be alone. so instead he made it to the cafeteria, grabbed his lunch, and started making his way to the roof. it was peaceful up there, peaceful enough for katsuki to gather his thoughts and shove all of those soft, lovey emotions back down to the deepest pits of hell.

however, when he made it on to the roof, he heard another student talking. no, not talking, singing. it was soft, almost inaudible, but bakugou managed to hear it anyways. he stood still , not seeing anyone but still hearing the voice. when he finally took a few cautious steps, he managed to find the source of the singing. her hair flowed lightly in the wind, still bound by that dark green hair tie that always kept it up. her hands rested lightly on the banister around the balcony, almost as if she was afraid of putting all of her weight onto it. and she was leaning forward almost too much, her upper body well past the banister. katsuki felt his eyes grow and his face heat up, not being able to tear his gaze away from the perfect being he saw in front of him. the singing slowed to a stop and he saw a small breath leave her body. she turned slightly and saw him standing there, her face not changing except for the small apologetic smile that grew on her face.

"oh, katsuki. i'm sorry, i didn't see you there. i'll go ahead and leave so you can enjoy your lunch," she spoke, the smile never leaving her face. her eyes, katsuki noted, told a different story. they seemed sad, an emotion that bakugou had yet to see on her. but rather than saying anything, he watched as she gently picked up her book bag and walked back into the building, leaving bakugou alone on the rooftop. he made his way over to his favorite corner of the rooftop and sat cross-legged on the floor, not even bothering to touch his food. instead, he gazed of at the horizon, trying to pry his thoughts away from her.

"damnit," he mumbled, stabbing his carrots roughly with his fork. he had almost gotten used to the feelings of fondness he had developed towards her, and yet (y/n) still managed to annoy him every time he thought of her. he didn't like the fact that all of his thoughts eventually made their way back to her. he didn't like it that all of those thoughts never left his mind, no matter how much he needed them to. and he most certainly didn't like how soft he became when it came to dealing with her. if he had known then that those thoughts would persist, that a crush would turn to love, and that he wouldn't get a single chance to stop loving her, he certainly would've lost his mind.

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