the term had passed, and katsuki bakugou's emotions had yet to fizzle out. instead, he somehow managed to get closer to the girl, the two being a part of the same group of friends. he got to know that she had the same motherly instinct that mina had, and the same goofy sense of humor that denki and sero had. she was prideful like himself, and yet also humble like kirishima. she loved being with friends, but was hardly ever out. her phone was like a prized possession, and she hardly let anyone touch it, much less go through it. she hardly talked about her home life, which bakugou found odd. but on top of that, bakugou got to know that she held a place in his heart like no one else had. he found himself looking forward to seeing her goofy smile every day, or hearing her smooth voice answer aizawa's questions.

so needless to say, when their short winter break rolled around, katsuki wasn't excited. the only thing he looked forward to was being able to text the group chat, which (y/n) was now a part of. the day they had added her to the chat, bakugou had taken her number and added it to his phone, not under the usual nickname he called her, or even like the rest of his friends. he put her under "(y/n)." simple, but so unlike bakugou that even kirishima had pointed it out when he first saw it. bakugou, of course, threatened to blow his head of at the mere mention of there being anything there.

katsuki was now home, finally done with the chores his mother had bestowed upon him, and relaxing in his bedroom. it was a spacious room, decorated plainly with his large bed, a couch, desk, wardrobe, and television that rested on his wardrobe. he had an adjacent bathroom and closet, meaning that the only time he really needed to leave his room was to eat. and that's exactly what he did. he did his chores, grabbed an orange, and relaxed on his couch while watching his favorite movie. everything was going great until his phone buzzed appropriately 18 times in a row. when he glanced at the screen, he saw the group chat going off, (y/n) being the primary culprit along with kirishima. the two were texting about something dumb, and when bakugou read through the texts, he couldn't hold back the light laugh that they solicited from him.

he shot some texts and then muted his phone, enjoying the rest of the movie. he wanted so badly to check his phone, but he knew that if he let himself do that, he would only be feeding his emotions. he couldn't do that. their final term was coming up. that meant that he had to study twice as much, train twice as hard, and focus as much as possible. with the way things were going in school right now, he couldn't afford any more distractions. while (y/n) seemed like the most perfect distraction ever, he couldn't let her make him fail.

it was around the fourth day that things got even worse for him. he missed seeing her smile, or even just hearing her voice right before she walked inside the classroom. he missed her gorgeous face and her incredible personality. he. missed. her. his mom had asked if something was wrong. even she had noticed that he was in a worsening mood. he just told her to shut up and then isolated himself further. that night he texted the group chat, hoping that maybe (y/n) would reply. and eventually she did, suggesting that maybe they all skype so they can talk. bakugou agreed, trying his best to seem like it didn't really matter to him. he smiled when he saw that everyone else agreed. then it hit him that (y/n) would be seeing his house if they were to skype.

katsuki bakugou had never cleaned so quickly in his entire 16 years of living. he made sure there wasn't even a speck of dust in his room. he made sure the floors were sparkling clean. he even went as far as to spray air freshener throughout every square inch of his home. he even somehow managed to convince his parents to go on a date, stating that it was "much needed alone time for the two of you." not long after his parents left, the group of teenagers blowing up his phone. he took a deep breath and pressed on the answer call button.

there was a sudden explosion of noise as the teenagers goofily talked to each other, making bakugou scowl at how loud they were. he propped his phone up on his desk and sat cross-legged on the bed, eyes darting from face to face on his screen. kirishima and denki were talking about a new movie they had just seen while sero, mina, and (y/n) were all talking about the test they had before the term was over. the sound of the chatter overlapping was kind of irritating, and katsuki would chirp in with his typical irritated comments. the conversations went on for nearly an hour, (y/n) even showing off what she had gotten for christmas, happily running in and out of the room in different outfits. everything was going fine until bakugou heard the sound of a door opening, causing the bubbly girl's eyes to gloss over with fear as she quickly ended the call on her end.

"what the-" bakugou growled, his face adorned with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. the others dismissed the erratic behavior, probably not having seen (y/n)'s face contort to one of fear. but bakugou was quick to followed suit, ending the call as well and sending the girl a text. thirty minutes passed without an answer. he texted her again, and yet again she didn't answer. this would continue until the end of their break.

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