bakugou katsuki wasn't a big fan of shopping malls. each and very experience he had had with them involved his mother dragging him around for hours on end as his bored eyes gazed at his mobile games. this time, however, he was somewhat happy. the girl who was holding his hand grinned happily at him and pulled him inside the mall, an ecstatic look on her face. the pure joy that adorned her features was enough for bakugou to grin as well, a bashful blush growing on his face as he happily followed behind her.

the two entered numerous shops, each one with a different style and price range. after nearly an hour of fruitless searching, (y/n) pointed at a large store near the back of the mall. it was a popular korean inspired store that had multiple locations in japan. the clothes were cute, a modern parisian aesthetic that (y/n) was eagerly drawn to. bakugou shook his head with a small smile as he led the girl into the store, eyeing the loose silk button ups and feminine dress shoes that lined the store.

"katsuki!! you should look for some stuff too," the girl happily said, pointing at the men's section near the back. he shrugged and started making his way over before pausing, turning back to look at the girl.

"just... just yell if you need anything dumbass." (y/n) blushed and nodded, turning back to the rack of shirts in front of her. she happily pulled out a few selections before continuing on, grabbing a few coats, sweatshirts, and everything in between. katsuki, on the other hand, was eyeing the clothing with narrow eyes, scrutinizing every detail before he pulled out a few pieces that he found decent. the two made their way to the dressing rooms and happily piled their clothes into their own individual cubbies. then, like something straight from a cheesy, mid 2000's rom-com, the two had what could only be described as a fashion show. it started seriously, with the two showcasing possible outfits, but progressed to the two teenagers making goofy faces and posing ridiculously. unbeknownst to (y/n), bakugou had snuck many pictures, the two in berets and oversized tops and fancy coats.

"well, i think i know what i'm getting," the girl exclaimed, happily leaving her dressing room with a small heap of silky shirts and corduroy pants. bakugou huffed in response, leaving with only a few dark shirts and a pair of nice shoes, grabbing the girls hand and pulling her towards the register. she gawked at the steadily rising total, nearly fainting when she saw the numbers reach a 3 digit total. katsuki rolled his eyes and nonchalantly swiped his debit card, crying internally at the dent he would later see in his bank statement. of course, he would never admit to (y/n) that he spent too much. he only wanted her to feel happy.

as the two teenagers walked next to each other in the still full mall, (y/n) had an idea. she grabbed bakugou's hand and pulled him towards the food court and in front of a small mochi stand. he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows as she ordered two plates of separately flavored mochi ice cream. she pulled out a crushed 1000 yen banknote, handing it to the server. eventually, the two of them got their plates, katsuki looking down at his light green mochi.

"i got you green tea, kat! i figured you would like it when i remembered the ridiculous amount of tea leaves in your kitchen." (y/n) awkwardly laughed, biting into her strawberry mochi. the girl smiled softly, the sweet flavor making her smile. she looked up to see bakugou savoring his sweet treat as well, making her blush and look down. they are as they walked, slowly making their way towards the front of the mall. the two stopped in front of a trash can to throw away their plates. bakugou suddenly stopped and looked at the girl in front of him, stifling his laughter.

"you uh... you have some ice cream on your face," he murmured, watching as she frowned and tried to wipe at it with her thumb. bakugou laughed a little and tried to direct her by pointing at her face, specifically the light pink ice cream that stained the outer corner of her lips.

"i'll get it dummy," he laughed, leaning in closely and gently swiping it sway with his thumb. it seemed that almost right after the two of them realized how close they were. (y/n) stood there frozen, staring into katsuki's burning red eyes. bakugou stood there as well, sure that the whole world could hear his heartbeat. he cleared his throat softly and stepped away rather hesitantly, instead grabbing her hand again and starting the trek home.

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