(tw: this chapter has mentions of abuse, please proceed with caution or skip if you're sensitive to this topic. any time this problem is mentioned, this > 🔺 will appear. that way, you guys can skip just the part or the whole chapter. thank you.)

the rooftop was quiet, something that both teenagers could appreciate. it was personally katsuki's favorite place ever since (y/n) introduced him to it. the view of musutafu from up there made him feel at peace, and gave him a true taste of what being a hero was like. it would mean taking care of this beautiful city and everyone in it.

one thing katsuki hated about the rooftop was the lack of heating units. he rubbed his gloved hands together roughly, the cold penetrating his gloves and thick jacket that his mother had bought him for the winter season. he watched as his breath spiraled up in a white cloud, his eyes darting to the entrance to the roof. (y/n) should have been there already, but it had already been 20 minutes since the lunch bell had rang. just as he was about to give up, the door burst open. (y/n) bent down on her hands and knees as she tried to catch her breath, each huff visible due to the weather. katsuki looked at her with furrowed brows. the girl was wearing nothing but the school uniform, knee high socks, and a somewhat heavy jacket. he quickly pulled off his scarf and gloves and tossed them her way, her quick reflexes making her catch them.

"i-uh... thanks kat!" katsuki growled at the nickname and rolled his eyes.

"don't thank me, you're just asking to get pneumonia out here if that's all you're wearing." there was a silence after katsuki finished his sentence. the spiky haired boy watched as she gently wrapped the scarf around her neck, the ends being a little too long. she had to wrap it three or four times for the ends to not drag. the gloves were also too big on her, katsuki's large hands needing more space than her dainty fingers ever would. the sight of her bundled up in his clothes made him blush though, and he averted his gaze as he shoved his hands deep in his pockets.

"what's with the bruise, (y/n)? and no bullshit this time." (y/n) sucked in a deep breath as she prepared her speech. she had already spoken to mina so that she could verify her story. and so she leaned against the back wall and glanced at the floor.

"truth be told, i was just really careless," she murmured. "i was hoping to get late christmas presents for you guys but ended getting mugged on the way to the mall. it's my fault, i decided to take a shortcut through the bad side of town. i should've seen it coming but-" she was quickly cut off by katsuki's short laughter. she glanced at him only to see him laughing, his hands resting lightly on the rails as his shoulders shook a little. the frost had given him a tint of pink across his cheeks and nose. his hair was tousled slightly out of place due to the wind. she felt her breath catch as she stared at him, her cheeks warming quickly.

"(y/n). you shouldn't have gone through that trouble for us. besides, dumbass, you being there is present enough. and be careful! if you're gonna go through that side of town then call one of us you idiot." she smiled and nodded as she stared at bakugou, a small smile on both of their faces. katsuki gave her a small hug and quickly made his way back inside, hoping she wouldn't overthink his kind gestures. that was not the way he wanted her to find out he liked her. kirishima said so himself, a manly confession would be honest and sincere. so he made his way to the cafeteria to grab at least an apple before the last half of their day started.

(y/n) sat on the rooftop, her hands fiddling with the black scarf and gloves that now warmed her body. her blush hasn't gone away, and she still felt like squealing her heart out. instead, she felt her phone buzz. she pulled out the cracked and nearly dysfunctional device out of her pocket to see a text from her father.

i expect you to be ready
to receive a punishment
when you get home.
this house is a nightmare.
you clearly can't do anything
right, so i'll have to show you
what happens when you
fuck up.

the young girl felt her body freeze with fear. there was no way the house was a mess. she had made sure that it was spotless before she left for school. the floor was swept and mopped, the dishes were washed. there was nothing she missed. but of course, her father didn't care for that. he only saw what his drunken eyes let him. apparently, those eyes only saw a disappointment of a daughter. a daughter who caused her own mother to die during childbirth. a daughter who deserved the abuse. for all (y/n) knew, she did deserve the abuse. she had a tendency to mess everything up.

and so the now frightened young girl concealed her emotions, replacing them with a small smile and warm eyes. she made her way back inside, acting as though her heart wasn't racing as fast as possible. she made it into class, sat quietly in her seat, and payed attention. after all, she wouldn't want to give her father yet another reason for her to deserve a beating.

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