"kat i know you're probably
busy but can you please call me?
just... fuck. please call me."

katsuki bakugou was looking at his phone with furrowed brows. the short tempered boy hated to admit that he was worried, but it would be a lie if he said he wasn't. he felt that all too familiar pang in his chest that he always got when he knew that (y/n) was hurt. he'd had feelings for her since their first year, but even now into their second year, he chose to push them aside. up until now, that is. that was why a certain ill-mannered boy wanted to talk to her. so instead of dwelling on it any longer, he gently pressed on the dial option on his phone. it rang once, then twice, and then a third time. as he thought that she wouldn't answer, the click of the other line answering was heard. sniffles followed soon after, making that pang in bakugou's chest return and even worse than before.

"(y/n), please tell me what happened," katsuki said with a tone of worry in his voice. rather than receiving a response, whimpers turned into sobs, and katsuki could practically see the heavy tears and heaving shoulders. his frown deepened and he stood, grabbing his shoes and tying them tightly before grabbing his softest and heaviest jacket. he knew when someone was this hysterical, human contact wouldn't help much but he needed something to simulate that same feeling. he grabbed his keys and started making his way to the door, his face still scowled into a worked look.

"okay, (y/n), i'm heading over. is that okay? i just need you to tell me your address." katsuki spoke softly, a tone of concern and worry in his voice. he listened as the girl managed to sniffle out her address, and without even a second of hesitation he was out the door. she lived close to kirishima, so he knew his way there.

"please stay on the phone with me, okay? i have to know you're okay while i make my way over there," bakugou pleaded, walking as quickly as he could without running. he hated the idea of her on her own in so much pain. he didn't even know if it was purely emotional pain or even physical pain, but he knew that it didn't really matter. (y/n) didn't deserve either. in his eyes, the bubbly goofy girl deserved all of the love the world had to give. she deserved praise and attention because even just a smile from her was captivating for him. he knew that he couldn't give it to her, but he'd be damned if he didn't try. and so he walked, even though soft snow was gently falling down. eventually he made it to the street that she had uttered, and sped up to a run. the sight he saw was enough to stop his heart.

there she sat, one hand bracing her body as she sobbed heavily, the other barely holding the phone up to her ear. she stared down at the snowy grass, not even bothering to look up at the sound of bakugou walking up to her slowly. he hung up the phone and watched as she let her hand go limp and fall, her phone landing on the grass with a small thud. in fear of making her even more upset, bakugou refrained from touching her. instead, he shrugged off the jacket and gently placed it around (y/n)'s shoulders, biting his lip roughly. she was sitting there in nothing but that stupid school uniform and his scarf, and all bakugou wanted to do was sweep her off of her feet and snuggle her until she was warm, all while reassuring her everything would be alright. instead, he watched as she slowly stood up, he shoulders still heaving with every sob. she turned to him and quickly hugged him, her arms tightly wrapping around him as though he could disappear at any moment.

"(y/n), what's wrong," katsuki asked. she didn't answer though, she just shook her head and snuggled her face further into his chest. he sighed sadly and wrapped his arms around her tightly, making sure she knew that he wasn't going anywhere without her. when he glanced up, he saw the scowling face of someone, possibly (y/n)'s father, staring through the window. katsuki frowned, knowing that something wasn't right. no one had ever really gone to (y/n)'s house, mostly because she would always make excuses as to why they couldn't. katsuki, however, now had a slightly better idea as to why she wouldn't have wanted anyone over. and so he gently pulled (y/n) back and have her a soft, reassuring smile.

"hop on my back, i'm taking you to my place but i'm sure as hell not letting you walk barefoot in the rain." the crying girl complied, gently placing her shaky hands on his shoulders and jumping at the same time bakugou wrapped his hands around her legs. she gently moved her shoulder to move his coat back on the her shoulder and sniffled, her tears finally slowing to a stop. she gently rested her head on bakugou's shoulder and let her eyes flutter shut, the soothing feeling of his steps and the soft snow hitting her back pulling her to sleep. bakugou couldn't help but smile softly at (y/n)'s now gentle expression, speeding up slightly to make it home before the gentle snow turned into a blizzard. he woke her up when they arrived, setting her down gently on the porch as he took his house key and opened the door.

"KATSUKI." bakugou cringed at the sound of his mother screaming and quickly threw both hands up, motioning outside. his mother furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind him to see (y/n) hugging herself tightly with katsuki's jacket around her shoulders. she stepped aside and watched as bakugou ushered the girl to his room before stepping back into the hall and shutting its door.

"katsuki, what's the meaning of this," she asked him softly, concern etched into her features. her son sighed, glancing at his room and then shrugging.

"she wouldn't tell me, but she's in trouble, mom. i wanna- no. i need to help her." mitsuki felt her eyes widen at her sons behavior. it had been a while since he called her mom, and a lot longer since he willingly admitted to caring for someone. and so instead of making any other comments, she gave him a trusting smile, nodding her head softly. she watched as he smiled back and made his way back to his room, letting a small sigh escape her lips.

bakugou entered the room to see (y/n) curled up on his couch, his jacket on top of her as a blanket. he sighed and made his way over to her sleeping form, gently picking her up and moving her to his bed. he then grabbed a blanket from the foot of his bed and gently placed it over her, making sure she was comfortable. he wanted to make sure she knew she was safe here, no matter what it took. he would sacrifice all of his sleep and all of his belongings if it meant that she was happy. and so he laid down on the couch, head resting on his arm as he let his eyes flutter shut.

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