~ Part 6 ~ Oh My Little Lilyflower Is All Grown Up! ~

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Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi

-Lily POV-

My thoughts were wandering as I stood there in the hallway. I couldn't wait to see their reaction to a horror film! I'm guessing they'll like it. If they don't, at least it'll have been a new experience; they probably never been to the movies, or ridden in a car, or had the pleasure of eating movie theater snacks.

"Alright then, if you would follow me," I told the three with a grin. I walked down the hallway and downstairs.

"Mom, dad, we're going!" I shouted, and before they could object, I strolled out the door with James, Sirius, and Marlene at my tail.

Oh! I forgot to even look at what Sirius was wearing... he had some black jeans on, frayed at the bottom, and rips on the knees. He had on a white t-shirt. He had on a black leather jacket, too. On the back, it had a black dog for some reason. Isn't that a bad omen? Well, it's Sirius. Who knows.

I walked over to the garage. It was a one car garage. We had two cars, but always parked the new, black car outside; it was the one we always used. So, because we always used that one, I knew my parents wouldn't want me driving it. I typed in the code on the keypad and the garage opened. There was an old, lime green sedan parked in there.

I was 17 years old, so I could drive. I only had a permit, though, not a license, because I never really took the time to get get a license. So technically, I wasn't allowed to drive without a licensed driver. And technically, I wasn't supposed to have more than one friend/distraction in the car at once. But all of these technicalities didn't always matter. We lived in a small town. Real small, and barely anything ever happened. Everyone knew everyone else, and the cops weren't really that worried about anything enough to go patrolling by the movie theatre. And even if the police were to pull me over, I would most likely know said police, and they would know me. And knowing me, they would know that I wouldn't crash. I'm not a safety issue.

I grinned and looked at them. "Recognize this, anyone?"

"A car!" James said excitedly. "I call driving! I call driving!"

"Oh no you don't. I'm the one driving. Don't need any injuries today. For us or the car." I responded calmly.

"Fine. But I get dibs on front seat then."

"What's with your interest in cars? Other than like, never having ridden in one before," I asked.

"My dad's a muggle guy at the Ministry, so I pick up some things sometimes," James responded. "I've always wanted to ride in a car, just never got the chance."

"Ok everyone, get in," I say. James races around the side, and opens the passenger door. Marlene and Sirius get in on opposite sides in the back.

I turn the key, and the car turns on with a little vroom vroom. James looks like he's about to explode of excitement. I back out of the driveway, and drive out of Railview Street. I take a left, down a street just outside my neighborhood; a very open area.

Oh great. There was a police car sitting on the edge of the road. Whenever there was a police car on this road they would stop everyone that drove by just for entertainment. Oops. I meant for a 'routine check'.

The police car flashed his lights, signaling for me to pull over, which I did.

"Hey, what's going on?" Marlene asked from the back.

"The po-po in my town do this weird weekly check thing. It's no biggie," I say. Then I murmur, "Even though I'm not old enough to drive without a licensed driver."

"What?!" Marlene exclaims.

"Oh!"-Sirius stops to sob-"Oh my little Lilyflower is all grown up! Breaking rules and everything!" Sirius says, acting teary.

I stop the car by the police. In it is a boy about my age, who I recognize. I roll down the window.

"I'm gonna need to see an-Oh! Lily. How are you?" Asks the police.

"Hey! Will! I haven't seen you in a while. Taking after your father, I see?" I ask him.

"Yes. He's been letting me do the routine checks now." Will grins, with an almost evil look in his eyes. He winks. I blush, but not out of liking, out of embarrassment. "Anyways, you're not 18, right? And-wait, who are these people?" He eyes James.

"James." James replies, eyes flashing with anger. "Lily's friend from school. It's a pleasure."

"Well they can't drive can they?" Will says, ignoring James. The two were now in a stare down.

"No, they can't," I say, chuckling at the idea. If one of these bozo's tried to drive, I really don't think it would end very well.

"Well, I... might be able to let you off. If you join me-"

"Oh no you don't. Lily will do nothing of the sort," James says, shooting Will a glare.

"LILY! STEP ON IT!" Sirius yelled. Marlene slapped him, which led to an "OWW!"

"Um... Will, could you just let us go? Please? We have to be somewhere at 10:30." I ask.

Will sighs. "Alright, sweetheart. I'll let you off this time."

James was steaming by now. Probably that word sweetheart. And however hard it is to be friendly to Will (he's a bit much sometimes), and defend him, it's not like Will did that on purpose; he calls practically everyone sweetheart.

"Thanks, Will," I say.

And I drive us off.

"Who was that?!" James asked, still quite angry.

"Everyone knows everyone in this town. That's Will. His dad is a police, and he wants to take after his dad," I answer.

"Well then why-" James starts, but Sirius cuts him off.

"Mate, mate, mate. I know you're jealous, but let's not confront Lily and we can just get to where we're headed, eh?" Sirius says.

And then I pull into the parking lot of the cinema. It's about the one source of entertainment in this small town, so usually there are at least some people here.

I park in a parking spot.

"You all ready?" I ask.

~ ~ ~


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