2 The Clever Youths

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It started a month ago...

Seven youths gathered to have a party at their hideout. It's not literally a hideout; it's actually a small house they built near the walls where you can see only trees and tall grasses. Far from the houses, it's probably the most quiet place here in Zen City.


They had been friends for five years, their bond resembling that of brothers. Parties had become an integral part of their shared experiences, a celebration of their youth and exuberance. However, beyond the lively gatherings, their camaraderie extended to various shared activities.

At 7 PM, the group assembled for their customary meetup. Each member brought along snacks and wines to contribute to the festivity. As the last person arrived, they collectively secured the doors, closed all windows, and rolled down the blinds of the house, encapsulating themselves in an atmosphere of shared revelry.

"Isn't Professor Eros having an event at the Central?" Jisung inquired.

"Tsk, that man. Who cares about his new invention? Even we can make new things or devices," Chenle responded.

"Almost everyone here in Zen is interested in his creation, Chenle," Jeno remarked.

"But not us," Jaemin interrupted. "Yes, definitely not us," Mark added.

"Don't talk about that man. We're here to enjoy, kids. Just forget about him; we're not going to that event anyway," Haechan said. "Let's just have fun!" he shouted.

"Let's have some fun!" they shouted in unison.

It was a long night, with loud music echoing through the room, and wines and chips scattered in every direction. The seven of them reveled in the joy of the moment, dancing, singing, and shouting without a care. The volume of their celebration didn't bother them; they were far away from the houses, and besides, everyone else was at the Central. In that remote setting, they felt a liberating sense of freedom, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the carefree enjoyment of the night.

"Mark, you're really a baby; you just drank a glass of wine, and now you're already drunk!" Haechan shouted.

"You're the one who's drunk, Haechan; you can't even stand straight right now, you see?" Mark replied.

And the saga continued. Haechan and Mark persisted in shouting at each other.

"These two—they're like cats and dogs; they always argue, even over simple things," Renjun remarked beside Jeno.

"Just don't mind them," the latter replied with a chuckle.

The next day, a loud noise erupted, resembling a fire alarm or emergency alert. Consequently, Jeno, Renjun, Mark, and Haechan were jolted awake. Curious about the source of the commotion, they hurriedly got up to investigate. Peering through the windows, they observed that everything appeared normal outside, leaving them puzzled about the cause of the disruptive sound.

"I think it came from the speakers," Renjun said, pointing towards the city's speakers.

"But why? They only use it if the announcement is very important," Haechan asked.

"Just wait," Mark answered.

They waited for about a minute until a familiar voice emanated from the speakers.

"I know you can hear me right now," it was Professor Eros...

"Yes all of you, there's still 21 of you right? the 21 of you didn't see the light, you didn't attend the event last night," he paused for a while, "I warn you if you don't surrender your self until tonight I swear I will find you tomorrow I will hunt you all!" he shouted.

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