10 XXI

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Kun, along with the other 13, led their guests into the tower. The entrance door wasn't readily visible, seamlessly blending with the tower's wall. Crafted from metal, the door split in half when opened. Inside, a large glass elevator awaited them, making navigation between floors convenient. However, before using the elevator, visitors had to step onto a platform with a rotating light on top—a scanning device to verify authorization. The guests' identities were already in the system, ensuring a smooth entry.

As the elevator ascended, the transparent glass offered a panoramic view of each floor. Expensive cars, motorbikes, and various possessions owned by the group were visible on every level.

"Are those real cars?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, they're real," Kun confirmed.

"Why are there so many expensive cars and motorbikes here, and who owns them?" Jeno inquired.

"We own those," Kun replied.

"You're probably extremely rich, but we don't know you. You're not a NEON," Taeyong pointed out.

"Yes, we're not NEONS. We are above that," Kun asserted.

Before more questions arose, the elevator reached the floor where their meeting room was located. Walking through the hallway, the walls adorned with large pictures of the group, some individual and others in group photos. Notably, there were also prominent photos of Haechan along the way.

"Look, it's Haechan," Jisung exclaimed.

"He also changed his hair color," Chenle added.

"May I ask why Haechan has big photos here?" Jaemin questioned.

"Yangyang and Haechan have had a really great time together. Besides Yangyang, the rest of us became close to him as well. As a sign of him being part of us, we took photos of him and put them here," Kun explained.

"So he's part of your group now," Mark observed.

"I hope you also will be with us," Kun replied.

They walked slowly, reaching the door of the meeting room. Kun turned to face them.

"We're here," he announced.

"Are you ready to meet the others?" he added.

"Yes, that's the only thing that matters right now, I guess," Doyoung said.

"Okay," Kun replied shortly, opening the door wide. His eyes widened when he saw the seven individuals sitting around the table, all wearing black suits in the dimly lit room. The atmosphere was tense. Kun switched the light to bright mode, but the seven men remained unfazed. The others looked confused, trying to comprehend the situation.

After a minute of silence, Kun had enough. He walked to the front of the long table and slammed his palm down.

"What are you guys doing?" he shouted. "Why don't you greet your visitors?" he added.

The seven of them burst into laughter, further irritating Kun. The other 13 members behind him still didn't fully grasp the situation.

"I'm sorry, they're like this all the time. They're still children in mind," Kun explained.

"Sorry, Mom," Yangyang said.

"You told us to behave; that's why we're like this," HENDERY added.

"You're exaggerating," Kun muttered, trying to maintain control of the situation.

"By the way," Kun said, turning toward Taeyong and the others.

"These are my members, the WAISHENS," he introduced.

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