5 The Covert

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Today is the day they've been preparing for – the day they will go to the place marked as 1.27.

At 2 AM, the group woke up early, ready and prepared for the journey. Originally, only Mark, Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin were supposed to go, but the two youngest members insisted on joining. Reluctantly, they agreed, knowing that keeping everyone together was essential for their safety.

After an early breakfast, they packed their belongings. Each member had two bottles of water and bread secured in their belt bags. They also equipped themselves with earpieces in their left ears, allowing them to communicate quietly without drawing attention. Disguising the earpieces was easy, given their slightly long hair that could be brushed down to conceal the devices.

By 3 AM, they left one by one, entering the hole in the wall. Prior to their departure, they memorized the map and the initials of the establishments they needed to pass before reaching the elusive location marked as 1.27. The group's success depended on navigating their way through five significant establishments. The journey ahead held the promise of answers and, hopefully, a step closer to unraveling the mysteries they faced.

As they embarked on their journey through Zen City, the group had to pass by five significant establishments, each marked by initials:

S - Seulgi's Restaurant: The most famous restaurant in Zen City, known for its exceptional cuisine.

M - Merry Go Round: The largest carousel boasting 30 intricately adorned horses, offering a whimsical experience for visitors.

E - Elle's Bake Shop: A place renowned for creating the sweetest and most delicious cakes in Zen City.

N - North Pole: The exclusive skating arena, providing a unique and enjoyable experience for the city's residents.

T - Trojan Fairy: A musical house where the most renowned musicians performed, adding a touch of enchantment to the city.

As the group moved from one establishment to another, they navigated through the city with anticipation, drawing closer to the mysterious location marked as 1.27. Each landmark represented a step on their journey and a potential clue in the unfolding story of Zen City.

Having walked for four hours, the group finally reached the first establishment, Seulgi's Restaurant. Feeling exhausted, they decided to take a break and entered the restaurant. Mark spoke through their earpieces, ensuring that their communication remained discreet.

"Everyone, we need to rest for a while. Follow me to the back door of this restaurant so that we can enter and hide for a moment," Mark whispered.

"Copy that," each member replied.

Inside the restaurant's kitchen, they found some canned goods, allowing them to preserve the bread they had brought. Bottled water was also discovered, providing a fortunate source of hydration.

"We're lucky we have free food," Jeno remarked.

"Yes, but we need to go now. It's been 30 minutes, and it's still going to be a long way there," Renjun urged.

After gathering their belongings, they exited the restaurant. An hour later, they reached the second landmark, Merry Go Round. Amidst their journey, Chenle's voice echoed through Mark's earpiece.

"Haechan," Chenle called out. The unexpected mention of Haechan's name created a momentary pause, the memories of their lost friend lingering in the air. 

As the group passed by Merry Go Round, a wave of sadness washed over them. Memories of the first time they visited, the complete and joyous group, flooded Mark's mind. Haechan's insistence on riding the carousel had turned out to be a cherished memory. Now, as they passed by the same landmark, they couldn't help but feel the emptiness left by Haechan's absence.

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