8 The Lost Dog

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The weight of the situation pressed heavily on Haechan's shoulders. Nervous and unsure of what to do, he sought solace by walking along the seaside. Jeno, understanding Haechan's anxiety, followed him, offering reassurance.

"Hey, don't worry. We can escape this. We'll think of a plan," Jeno comforted.

"I don't know what to do. I'm very nervous right now. Too many things are running through my mind," Haechan confessed.

"We will protect you. We're brothers, after all," Jeno assured him.

But Haechan, burdened by guilt, expressed his concern, fearing that the efforts to protect him might endanger others.

"No, what if because of that reason, you protecting me will lead all of you to danger?" he replied.

"HAECHAN, I have a plan," Jeno said.

"What's that?" Haechan asked.

"Remember that boy who looks like you? I mean, not really looks like you, but kind of similar to you," Jeno explained.

"What about that boy?" Haechan inquired.

"We can use him. We can't kill a watcher, right? Maybe we can set up a show using him—kill that boy instead and then let them think that it's you," Jeno suggested.

"We will not kill that boy, Jeno!" Haechan protested.

"Tomorrow, I and Jaemin will find that boy. You can't do anything about it, Haechan. We will do it just to save you," Jeno declared before walking back inside the house, leaving Haechan grappling with the difficult reality.

The next morning, as Jeno and Jaemin went to the city to find the boy, Haechan remained inside the house, consumed by nervousness. The sight of Mark lost in thought further intensified his inner turmoil. Haechan felt like a jinx, causing everyone to struggle because of him.

Haunted by the heavy weight of the plan, Haechan struggled to find the right words to comfort Mark. Despite his efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that his presence was causing turmoil among his friends. When Jeno and Jaemin returned, their somber news further added to the gravity of the situation.

"We saw him, but sadly he's dead already," Jaemin said.

Confused and saddened, Haechan questioned, "Why? How?"

"I think he's sick, and remember that birthmark on his right arm?" Jeno explained. Haechan nodded in recognition.

"It's not a birthmark; it's a symptom of a person with blood cancer," Jeno revealed.

Dismayed by the news, Haechan inquired about the boy's whereabouts.

"We placed his dead body not far away from the woods, and tomorrow evening we will set the plan," Jaemin said.

"We will trick them and let them believe that it's you," Jeno added.

Anxiety flooded Haechan as he contemplated his role in the plan. "What will I do now?" he asked.

"Just walk ahead of us, Haechan, and then I will call Mark to look at me. Jaemin will pull the trigger, and you just need to run to the gray house nearby. You just need to hide in there, and we will come back the next day to give you some supplies," Jeno explained.

"Until we find the others so that they can help us," Jaemin added.

Before the planned night, Haechan left a letter on his side table, hoping someone, especially Mark, would find and read it. The night unfolded as planned, but Haechan couldn't shake the sadness over the boy's death. The relief of avoiding another death weighed heavily against the sorrow of losing someone to illness.

The next morning, Eros's announcement confirmed the success of their plan, but Haechan couldn't escape the fact that the deception had taken a toll on everyone, especially his friends. Jeno and Jaemin visited him, providing essential supplies, but the shadow of uncertainty and danger loomed over them all.

"We brought some food and water," Jeno said.

"How about the others? Aren't they wondering why you're bringing food and water?" Haechan asked.

"We told them that we saw a dog in a cage and we need to feed it because we can't free it," Jaemin explained, and then they both laughed.

"You two just compared me to a dog?" Haechan asked.

"We don't have a choice," they replied in unison.

As Haechan continued to stay in hiding, one day, he noticed white feathers scattered in the living room. Puzzled by their presence, he collected ten white feathers, only to find another set of ten later that night.

Confused and nervous, Haechan pondered the meaning behind the feathers. He thoroughly checked the sofa and throw pillows, searching for any explanation, but found none. Worries crept in, especially since it was Renjun and Mark's turn to go outside that day, meaning Jeno and Jaemin wouldn't be able to visit him.

With uncertainty looming, Haechan could only try to calm himself, as it was the only thing he could do in that moment of solitude.

When it got late, Haechan laid down in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The night was quiet until he heard footsteps approaching. Instantly on alert, Haechan regretted not closing his room door. The steps drew nearer, and he prepared himself for whatever might happen.

A silhouette appeared in the doorway, the features of the person unclear. Anxious, Haechan called out, "Who are you?" but received no response. Gathering his courage, he ran toward the figure, ready to defend himself. To his surprise, he felt a sharp, pointed object, like an arrow, pierce him. His world spun, and darkness enveloped him as he succumbed to the effects of what seemed to be a tranquilizer.

The next morning, Haechan awoke with a throbbing headache. As his vision cleared, he found himself lying in a luxurious king-size bed in a room fit for royalty.

"Wait, where am I?" he muttered.

The room exuded elegance, reminiscent of a castle. Haechan scanned his surroundings and noticed a boy sitting on the couch nearby. The boy seemed only a few months older than him.

"Hi," the boy greeted with a wide smile.

"Who are you, and where am I?" Haechan asked nervously.

"My name is Yangyang," the cheerful voice replied. "And you're in the center tower of Zen."

"The center tower? The big center clock of Zen?" Haechan inquired, bewildered.

"The center tower is located in the center of the city, it's the big clock of Zen city, and I wonder how I ended up here because it's too high, and I don't know that a person can enter it, as I haven't seen an entrance around it."

"How?" Haechan asked again.

"We just kidnapped you, obviously," Yangyang laughed.

"Who are you, and why did you get me?" Haechan shouted.

"Hey, don't be mad. Okay, it's not a kidnap, sorry," Yangyang said.

"As I've said, I'm Yangyang, and welcome. I'm a member of the VISION," he added.

"The Vision?" Haechan asked.

"Is your group Vision part of those 21?" he asked again.

"Yes, and we're going to be your ally," Yangyang said and stood up.

"Welcome to WAYV'S sky castle," he added.

"WAYV?" Haechan asked.

"We Are Your VISION," Yangyang replied shortly.

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