3 The Knot

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One month and two weeks had passed, and Zen City remained eerily lifeless.

Despite the lack of progress, they persevered in their daily routine, venturing outside to search for resources. Haechan and Jeno ingeniously crafted a filter to extract drinkable water from the ocean. Renjun and Jaemin worked on a small heater to prevent their excess food from spoiling. Every day felt repetitive, yet they were gradually adapting to the challenges of their new reality, driven by the necessity to survive.

As Monday arrived, the group prepared to go out again in search of food and the elusive other 14 citizens.

"Come on, kids, we need to go now," Haechan urged.

"Wear your lenses and act like the others. Don't mind anything from your surroundings," Jeno added.

Just before they left, Jisung spoke up.

"Can you please look for my mom if she's still alive?" he asked.

"Yes, Jisung, we will find her," Jaemin assured.

Since they started going outside to find resources, the quest for their families had also become a constant endeavor. Among them, Jaemin, Mark, Jeno, and Jisung were the only children, while Haechan, Chenle, and Renjun each had an older brother.

Having found their families alive was a relief, yet a sense of sadness lingered. Their loved ones seemed lifeless, their lack of concern for the future evident in their despondent demeanor. Despite their weakened state due to short sleep, the fact that they were eating provided a glimmer of hope. The group believed that, with time and the discovery of a cure, they could still save their families.

However, Jisung's mother remained elusive. His father had already passed away when he was a child, making his mother the only family he had left. The group remained determined to locate her.

While traversing the city, a familiar face caught their attention—a woman they all recognized. The trio knew they had to follow her discreetly, but with a watcher in the vicinity, they couldn't move too quickly. Signaling each other by raising their right eyebrows, they communicated the importance of what they were witnessing. Seizing an opportunity when the watcher turned down a street, they picked up their pace to catch up with the woman.

Upon reaching her, their suspicions were confirmed—it was Jisung's mother. A smile broke across their faces, bringing reassurance that all of their families were indeed alive.

They managed to procure some food from a supermarket, albeit in limited quantities due to the inconspicuous belt bags they carried. The necessity of secrecy in their daily activities remained paramount.

On their way home, Jaemin and Jeno walked ahead of Haechan, then suddenly stopped. Haechan, noticing their pause, approached slowly. Their eyes widened as they observed a boy who bore a striking resemblance to Haechan—slightly thinner and smaller, but undeniably similar. Suppressing the urge to laugh, Jaemin and Jeno continued walking, deciding to keep the amusing discovery to themselves.

Upon reaching home, Haechan couldn't resist calling out, "Jisung Park!"

"We saw your mother. She's alive," Jaemin shared.

"Really!?" Jisung exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes, she is, young man. She's alive," Jaemin reassured.

"Do you have any idea about the other 14?" Renjun inquired.

"Sadly, we didn't get any updates about them," Jeno replied.

Concerned about the fate of the missing citizens, Chenle muttered, "What should we do now? We really need to see them."

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