12 The Scheme

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"I am now the one who controls Eros. Finally, after many years of being his servant, I am more powerful than him. It's his fault. He became soft-hearted because of his son, giving up everything, even his plans, just for Jungwoo.

I, Kaito, only recently discovered this. I initiated a plan to learn everything about him—his secrets and his plans. One day, I spiked his juice with a sleeping pill when he ordered me to make him a drink. As he drank the drugged juice and fell asleep, I tied him up, accessed his laptop, and perused his files. It was embarrassingly easy, considering his laptop had no password. It was through this snooping that I learned every single thing about him and his past.

For three days now, I've kept him locked up in his office, but he's proven to be a stubborn man. He refuses to follow my command of making a new ONYX like the first one because of his son. What a loving father he is, but it infuriates me. I initially planned to take the ONYX from his right eye, but I think that's too simple. Instead, I've contemplated removing his entire head.

Killing him seems like a good idea, especially since he won't comply with my commands. But I have an even better plan. I want to behead Eros in front of his son. What a great spectacle it will be if I succeed. First, I need those kids to come here, so I won't waste my time hunting them down. I'll call the prey to its predator.

I'll use the announcement center to make sure they hear me.

'Good morning, Zen, especially to those 21 of you,'" Kaito announced.

"I just want them to know that their weak professor is now a prisoner, and soon he will be punished. Hmm, let them think. How about the death penalty? I guess that will be a great idea," he said with a laugh. "Why don't they save him, huh? In two days, he will be killed. I think that's enough time for them to prepare, right? Then see them soon, especially you, Jungwoo," Kaito added.

Now Kaito just need to prepare for their visit. He command the watchers to acquire some weapons so they're all prepared for those 21 rats. However, He instruct them to keep them alive. Kaito likes to kill them with his own hands.

They all heard Kaito's announcement, and all of them are furious now, especially Jungwoo. He just wants to save his father. They only have two days, and Kun said tomorrow they will discuss the plan. It was supposed to be today, but because of that announcement, everyone is mad, and they think it's not the right time. It will just make chaos in their minds if they discuss it right now.

Ten checked the Eye so that he can see Eros, and as usual, he's still there in his office, sitting. When he goes out of the room, he sees Taeyong walking along the hallway. Taeyong looks so stressed right now, just looking downwards with both hands tucked in his pocket, walking slowly. That's why Ten followed him.

He enters the room where their weapons are located, just standing there, staring at those deadly weapons.

"Taeyong, are you alright?" Ten asked.

Taeyong faced him and then replied, "Maybe yes."

"Or not," Ten said. He approached him and sat down on the table in front of him. "You look so stressed right now. Is it about Eros and Kaito?" he added.

"You know what, when Kun said yesterday that Eros also loved me as his own son, my heart felt a warm comforting feeling. I loved knowing that even though I'm his stepson, he still values me," Taeyong said.

"Then what's bothering you now?" Ten asked.

"I pity Jungwoo, all this time he doesn't know that Eros is his father, and then there's me. I always tell him stories that Eros is cruel, but now I realize I'm wrong, completely wrong. I actually have a chance to be with Eros as my father, but Jungwoo," he paused.

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