14 The Tragedy of Life

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The younger group followed Kun's instructions, entering through the back door with the intent to prevent any watcher, especially Kaito, from escaping. They were aware that this location had fewer watchers compared to the others, but the absence of an adult figure in their group made them a bit anxious.

"I'm kinda afraid because we don't have an adult member in our group," Jisung voiced his concerns.

"Don't worry, young man. We can do it," Jeno reassured.

"Are we supposed to kill?" Chenle asked, seeking clarity.

"If they don't have weapons, we can fight manually. But if they're armed, we need to shoot," Yangyang explained.

"Just shoot them. It's them or us that will be killed, and I don't want one of us to die," Jaemin declared.

"Kids, if you need to shoot, just do it," Renjun encouraged.

"We can do it. Besides, there are only a few watchers here," Haechan expressed.

"And look, there are metal barrels here. We can hide if we want to," he added, pointing out their options.

"I'll try, but I can't promise that I can shoot them. I'm just 18, after all," Jisung expressed his uncertainty.

"I'm only 19," Chenle chimed in.

"We're only 20, and that's still young, but we need to kill," Jeno stated firmly.

"Wait a minute," Yangyang paused.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"Just imagine it's only PUBG. It's going to be fun," he said, smirking.

"Wait, Yangyang. Yes, we need to kill, but it's not fun. We're not used to it, remember?" Jaemin reminded him.

"We're not skilled killers like you," Renjun teased, provoking laughter.

Their light moment was interrupted by the sound of a man's voice, likely a watcher or someone else inside the base. The sudden interruption brought a momentary pause to their conversation.

As the group encountered the watchers, they were momentarily distracted by the watchers' approach, forgetting momentarily that they were on a mission and had adversaries to face.

"Can we join your little party?" the first man asked.

"I think it's fun," the second man chimed in.

Realizing their distraction, the younger members snapped back to the mission at hand.

"Ohh!" Jeno exclaimed.

"Did we just forget we're on a mission?" Chenle remarked.

"Yeah, I guess," Haechan chuckled.

Seeing that the watchers didn't have guns, Yangyang suggested fighting them hand-to-hand.

"But they outnumber us," Renjun pointed out.

"It's fine," Jaemin reassured, and the team charged at the watchers, initiating the confrontation. Despite being outnumbered, they remained determined, utilizing their individual strengths.

"Haechan!" Jeno shouted.

"Why?" Haechan asked amidst laughter.

"Why aren't you fighting?" Jeno questioned, engrossed in battling a watcher.

"I am fighting," Haechan retorted.

"No, you're not! You're just running and passing your opponent to us," Jaemin accused while throwing punches.

"That's unfair!" Jisung protested.

"We're tired! Can you please help?" Chenle pleaded.

"Stop shouting; you're too annoying," Haechan teased, still laughing.

THE DREAMERS NIGHTMAREजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें