9 Waishen V (vision)

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In the heart of Zen tower, a place where the rest of the world only saw a grand timepiece, Kun, the leader of the elusive group known as the WAISHENS, orchestrated a life of opulence and secrecy. The clock's exterior exuded a classic elegance, concealing the modern marvels within.

Despite their vast wealth, the WAISHENS lived quietly, hidden from the knowledge of the common citizens. In their realm, Kun, the eldest and leader, wore many hats. Not only did he devise plans and issue commands, but he also assumed the roles of chef, caretaker, and, in a sense, a parent to his companions.

The WAISHENS' wealth surpassed even the renowned NEONS of Zen. Luxury items like race cars, Ducatis, drones, and classic cars were not mere possessions; they were the markers of the WAISHENS' affluence. Their crowning jewel, however, was the private plane used by the president on international travels— a testament to their discreet influence.

When the WAISHENS ventured outside the tower, they blended seamlessly with the ordinary citizens. Dressed inconspicuously, they moved through the city unnoticed, enjoying the anonymity that their wealth afforded them.

As the head of this enigmatic group, Kun's expertise lay in the realm of planes and jets. Beyond his leadership responsibilities, he ensured the seamless operation of their high-tech devices and machines, maintaining a delicate balance between the power they wielded and the humble facade they presented to the world. In this Zen tower, where time seemed to stand still, the WAISHENS thrived in their clandestine world of extravagance.

In the shadows of the Zen tower, Ten, the second in command of the WAISHENS, brought an air of sophistication and intelligence to the group. Renowned for his exceptional cleverness, Ten's linguistic prowess extended across five languages, a skill honed through his frequent companionship with the president on international journeys.

Beyond his linguistic talents, Ten possessed a penchant for the art of dance, his moves as fluid and graceful as his mastery of foreign tongues. His fashion sense was impeccable, adorned with luxurious accessories and jewelry, including a striking array of earrings. Ten, resembling a feline with his agile movements and attention to detail, sported an impressive collection of ear piercings, boasting five to six adornments in each ear.

While Ten reveled in the world of elegance and aesthetics, his true strength lay in his uncanny ability to memorize every nook and cranny of Zen. Like a cat mapping its territory, Ten's field within the group involved a meticulous knowledge of the city's streets and corners. His sharp memory and attention to detail made him an invaluable asset to the WAISHENS, navigating the complex urban landscape with the precision of a well-honed navigator. In the quiet corridors of the Zen tower, Ten's multifaceted talents added depth to the mystique of the enigmatic group.

 Winwin, the visual king of the WAISHENS, radiated a unique aura that captivated those around him. Calm and collected in even the trickiest situations, Winwin's serene demeanor belied the intensity of his skills. His expertise lay in the world of drones, utilizing these unmanned aerial vehicles to navigate the cityscape with a finesse that mirrored his own poise.

Every night, Winwin's drones took flight, an extension of the vigilant EYE that watched over Zen. As the designated operator, Winwin skillfully maneuvered the devices, providing the group with valuable intelligence and surveillance. Alongside Ten, he played a pivotal role in the group's arsenal, collaborating on the enhancement of their weapons.

Lucas, the fourth member of the WAISHENS, brought a different energy to the ensemble. A racer and motorbike enthusiast, he owned the most expensive Ducati in the world, using it to explore the vibrant streets of Zen. Despite his penchant for high-speed pursuits, Lucas was not just a thrill-seeker. When Plan A faltered, he seamlessly transitioned to Plan B, showcasing a versatility that made him indispensable to the group.

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