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Relieved, Taeyong awoke to the sound of a familiar voice calling out to him. Slowly opening his eyes, a hospital room greeted him—a white ceiling, the beeping of a machine, and the reassurance of safety.

Jungwoo's cheerful voice filled the room. "Hey, you're awake!" Taeyong's eyes welled up with tears, realizing it was indeed Jungwoo.

"Why? What's wrong?" Jungwoo inquired, concerned by Taeyong's emotion.

"You're alive," Taeyong exclaimed, overwhelmed by the relief of seeing Jungwoo safe. Johnny and Jaehyun entered, further confirming their safety.

"But I saw you all... you were all dead," Taeyong stammered, shaken by the vividness of his nightmare.

"It was just a dream, Taeyong. That's why I was trying to wake you up earlier. It's just a nightmare," Jungwoo reassured him.

"It's over, Taeyong. The nightmare is over," Johnny added, trying to calm him.

Concerned about the others, Taeyong asked about their well-being. Jungwoo assured him that they were safe, recovering from their wounds but otherwise fine. After a thorough check-up by the doctor, they were discharged from the hospital.

Arriving at the tower under the cover of night, Taeyong felt a sense of relief. Reuniting with the others, he realized how fortunate they were to be together again, safe and sound.

"It's good to be back," Taeyong whispered to himself as they reached the floor where the others were staying.

"Hey, TY, you're the last one to wake up," Haechan teased.

"Ten was just two hours ahead of me," Taeyong defended with a smile.

"Yo, I saved your life, that's why I lost too much blood and didn't wake up sooner," Ten replied, a smirk on his face.

"Thank you for that, Ten," Taeyong expressed his gratitude.

"No problem," Ten replied succinctly, downplaying his heroism.

The room filled with a mix of relief and laughter as they recounted the aftermath of the explosion. Taeyong eagerly asked for details about what happened next.

Kun, taking charge, recounted the sequence of events. "Sad to say, Eros died alongside Kaito due to their proximity during the explosion. However, the explosion caused the ONYX on Eros' eye to break, spreading its particles through the city. Mr. Lee, the president, found us and immediately dispatched medics and a helicopter to save us. Fortunately, it wasn't too late to rescue the 21 of us, despite the loss of a significant amount of blood."

"And let's not forget our hero here," Yangyang exclaimed.

"Park Jisung!" the group chorused, acknowledging Jisung's courageous act.

Jisung, shy yet modest, downplayed his bravery. "It's nothing. I did what needed to be done."

Some shared their thoughts about the ordeal. Mark expressed his concern, having forgotten that Jisung still had a loaded gun, which ultimately saved them. Ten found some positive aspects, albeit cautiously, while Taeil, in good humor, threatened Yuta jokingly.

But amidst the lighter banter, Chenle brought attention to a bet made during the mission. Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Yangyang, and Jisung apparently lost the bet and were due for punishment, serving Chenle as the winner for the entire day.

Kun wasn't too pleased. "You brats, turning that night into a game," he chided.

The culprits defended their actions, claiming it was all in good fun. "It's fun!" Jaemin chimed in, echoing the sentiment of the group.

As they gathered for dinner and spent time together, laughter and light-hearted banter filled the room, dissipating the tension of the recent ordeal. They indulged in a hearty meal, took their medications, and settled down for a well-deserved rest.

The next day marked a new chapter as they left the tower to reunite with their families. Relief and joy spread through the group, glad that the nightmare in Zen was over. Visiting Eros' tomb at the cemetery, they honored his memory with flowers, finding solace in paying their respects.

"It's nice that I met him," Jungwoo reflected.

"Even for a short time, it meant something," Taeyong agreed, offering comfort.

"If only I had more time with him," Jungwoo sighed, grappling with his feelings. "But it's what had to happen. I'll accept it."

"You still have us, Mom, and Dad," Johnny reassured him.

With the nightmare behind them, life gradually returned to normalcy. The Clever Youths' house outside the wall had transformed into a luxurious haven thanks to the Waishens' upgrades. Yangyang often spent time there.

The Neons continued enjoying their Playground, frequented by the Waishens who brought new inventions. Xiaojun even shared knowledge about poisons with them.

The extravagant Tower Castle of the Waishens remained a well-guarded secret. Despite WayV occasionally venturing out, they maintained an air of mystery, turning heads whenever they cruised in their opulent vehicles.

Though the city knew little about their higher standing, life in Zen carried on, laden with secrets, memories, and the enduring bonds forged through trials.

What a journey it's been! It's incredible to see how they've grown closer through hardship. Their resilience and unity shine through. And that's a beautiful sentiment—facing challenges together and being the architects of their dreams. It's the bonds they've formed that have seen them through, and as they continue on their journey, their shared dreams will guide them forward. What an inspiring tale of courage, solidarity, and the power of collective hope. The end, but perhaps, the beginning of even greater adventures in their shared future.


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