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(Play the song when you start reading😊)

(AU if Wyatt and Y/N were the main characters for Zombies)

Wyatt and I walk up the stairs as we use our lunch period to hangout with each other. When I was in the cafeteria,the Acey's had just told me to stop talking to him if I wanted to stay a cheerleader. Which isn't fair because I really like him. Like- Like-Like him. They aren't one to say who I should or shouldn't hang out with. I am my own person. So screw them.

I nearly trip as I'm deep into my own thoughts. If I wasn't a cheerleader, what would I be? WHO would I be? If I'm kicked off the squad just for hanging out with a guy they think is dangerous and monstrous, who am I? Because I clearly him understand because he's just like me. We understand each other. Wyatt knows me as a Were-Zombie Cheerleader What would I do if I didn't cheer? "Y/N?" Wyatt pulls me back to reality as we step on the last set of stairs and he stops to face me. I blink repeatedly and smile at him. "Hm?" That grin on his face as I responded to him was quite new to me. He's only smiled when I embarrass myself in front of him. It seemed as though he was astonished by my lack of- concentration- you could say because he chuckled a bit. A little laugh that just makes me feel this ceaseless happiness inside. I know he feels this kind of emotion too. I hear him say something but I don't hear, I'm to busy thinking. Thinking about him. Even if he's right in front of me. He's worth thinking about every second.

I don't stare into his eyes like I know he's staring into mine but I'm staring at his two purple markings he has on his face, a little below his left eye. The markings are so beautiful, their like stripes. Heh. Purple wolf. Would he get mad if I said the markings make him look like an adorable tiger instead of a werewolf? "Y/N? You keep spacing out," He waves his hands in front of my face. But I'm still thinking about things. "Hello, Earth to puppy?" I blink again and giggle continuing to walk. He chuckles again and catches up to me. Wyatt put his arm around my waist and smiles. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I just get distracted alot." We start to hold hands.

"I can see that," He bites his lip. He spots a Zombie safe room and pulls me inside
Wooow. So romantic. This doesn't make me feel safe at all. "This doesn't make me feel safe at all." I admit. He rolls his eyes playfully and turns the lights on. I start walking to the center of the room,Pulling Wyatt with me and I gasp. "This is where we first met!" I giggle excitedly, Jumping up and down. He lets go of my hand and nods. I look at him and he just smiles sweetly. "This is where we had," He spins around me. "Our first," He stops and kisses my cheek. "Punch." He punches the air. I laugh softly then realization hits me and I look down gloomily.

He was about to do a flip in the air when he noticed my face. He grabs hold of my hands and whimpers. "Y/N, Baby,What's wrong?" He inquires to me, concerned.

I try and explain but I start to choke up. My tears just fall as a single word tries to escape my lips but nothing is coming out. "Y/ it because I brought you to a zombie safe room because- If it is..." He looks at my Z-Band and half-smiles at it. My lips quiver and I shake my head. That's not it at all. Maybe a little but not enough to make me cry. "It- It's just," My voice cracks. "How can we be with each other when," I sniffle. He sighs and embraces me into a long passionate hug which makes me feel better. His strong muscular arms wrapping around me like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night. "Shh, Puppy, It's okay. It's alright. Were here together, aren't we?" He reassures me calmly. I nod slowly and I stare him in the eyes; His beautiful dark brown eyes. "Maybe-" My voice cracks again and I stop talking. Wyatt lets go of the embrace and I pout. "-D-don't let go.." I whine.

He quickly goes back to embracing me with his love and I give a cute little laugh. "Better?" That's much better. Just me and him, alone. In a room, loving each other. No disturbances, No threats, and no Bucky or Acey's telling what to do. Just us,Me and Wyatt. And I like that. "Maybe.. Maybe someday, we'll be out there in public. Together. With no one-" "Judging us." He cuts me off, grinning; His eyes sparkling with joy. "Yeah, Someday." We say unison. "Were going to be, Someday."

Wyatt X Male Reader oneshots(Zombies 2)Where stories live. Discover now