1. Number 4, Pivot Dr.

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      Without opening my eyes, I knew the place I ended up in was very small and cramped. The last thing I remembered was Dumbledore throwing the killing curse at me right after I finished fighting Voldemort. The 3rd Avada Kadavra to hit me.  What the fuck? Why would he turn on me? What did I do wrong? Pushing away the anger and pain that welled within me, I tried to take in my surroundings. As I did, I had to stifle a gasp.

     I was back in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursley household. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no!!

"Oh shit!" I wispered. I sounded younger than I did this morning. Looking down I took in my apearance. "Well, Im not gonna be fucked this time round. I busting outta here, today. I'm not going threw all the shit Vernon put me through again."

     I took in the familiar 'room' that I once resided. The small figurines on the low shelf, the small spiders scuttling arround their webs. Everything was the way I remembered it used to be. I looked down at myself again. The too big clothes and all of the scarslittering my current body. True, I got many more before I died but some of these were still fresh. The visible scars were very pronounced, so I used a few simple silent spells to heal the worst of them.

     I attemped to stand in the way to small space, only getting to a kneeling position, and focused my magic. The door unlocked and poped open silently, so I made my way out to the hall. Glancing into the den, I caught sight of the time. 7am. Patunia would be down in 5 minutes, fully dressed, to wake me up to make breakfast for them.

      I had no time to get out now, so I made my way to the kitchen. Pulling out everything for Dudley's special birthday breakfast, I got to work. I preped Patunia's fruit parfait first, then started coffee for vernon. By the time patunia came down, I was mixing pancake batter and flipping the bacon. She was startaled that I was out and about already, seeing as they locked me in. She staired for a moment.

"How-?" I cut her off.

"I know Patunia. I know what I am, I know how my parents really died. I know everything." She pailed a few shades.

"What? I don't know what your talking about. Now how did you-?" I turned of the bacon, and took it off the heat. Turning to her, I cut her off again.

"Don't play stupid with me. I used my magic and you know it. Sit I have something to explain. Let me finish the pancakes and we will talk. We still have an hour befor Vernon comes down, so we should have plenty of time to talk." She sat quietly, watching me as I worked.

Finally I finished the food and covered it to keep it warm. Instead of speaking, I walked up to Patunia and touched her temple, showing her my memories, leading to the last killing curse to be shot at me. She gasped and pulled away, eyes darting to mine. Her eyes were blown wide and searched mine relentlessly, looking for honesty. She found what she was looking for and broke down, telling me she was sorry she didn't step in sooner. Vernon beat her too, but she only put up with it to keep the pain of a split marriage off Dudley.

     After twenty minutes of crying, I managed to calm her down. I put her parfait in front of her and told her to eat. Glancing at the clock, I knew Vernon would be down in two minutes. I could hear him at the top of the stairs now. I poured him a mug of coffee, then started plating his breakfast. By the time I had his food on the table he was at the kitchen door. He looked at me and grunted before he sat down and picked up the newspaper. Dudly would be down in about 3 minutes now, so I went a head  and made his plate.

     Now that their food had been dished out, I sat to work on a very decadent chocolate lava cake. Sirius had taught me to make it. He had told me that my mum had taught him how to make it and. It just made me feel closer to her.

"What are you making over there boy?! Thats not the cake Dudley usually gets! How dare you!" I turned to face him and let my toung go.

"How dare I? How dare I what? Let my cousin try one of the Evan's famaly recipies? Petunia taught me this recipe. I just figured he would like it. He doesn't have to have the same damn thing every year like clockwork. Diversity is ok, but I guess you wouldn't know. Now if you will excuse me, I need to pop it in the oven." He staired flabbergasted at my nerve to talk back. I had never, not once, spoke like that to him and it felt great.

    As the cake was in the oven, I made quick work of cleaning the kitchen and making the chocolate icing. All the while listening to Dudley's excited babble about going to the zoo for the day. When the cake was done I placed it on a serving platter and piped whipped icing on it the way I was taught. Leaving it on the countertop out of sight of Dudleyand Vernon, I finished my tasks. Finally, Vernon went back up to his room to get ready for the day out, so I took my chance. I grabbed the cake and made my way to the table by Dudley. When Patunia saw the cake she put her hand to her face.

     "I never taught you that recipe! What the hell Harry! He'll know!" She wisper yelled at me. I turned to her and told her to play along while infront of Vernon. She nodded, watching me light the candles I had palced in the cake.

I sat the cake in front of Dudley and when he saw it he eyed it for a moment before tuning to me. I nodded and he smiled. He actually, genuinely smiled at me. That was a frist.

     The zoo trip happened just like the last time. Only this time Dudley wasn't the one to push me, it was the friend that came with us. I still let the snake go, but I asked if he would stay with me, shrinking him when no one was looking and letting him slither up my arm under my sleeve. I actually got to eat with them thanks to Patunia and Dudley standing up for me or buying me things.

      After we had got back from the zoo, Patunia convinced Vernon to go the the bar with a few of his friends and business associates. That left us time to get everything ready. I changed the doornobs and locks. Patunia told Dudley how and why things were going to change around the house. She got ot work on getting devorce papers ready.

      I made dinner. I figured, why not show off some more of my culinary skills that they didn't know of. I made a roast with carots and potatoes, rolls, and side salad. For desert I made my favorite so they could try it. Let's just say making tickle tart isn't an easy thing to do. When I finished everything, I went to gather them. The look on their faces when they saw the food was priceless and well worth the work.

     My mother had taught Sirius all of the recipies she new, and in turn, he taught them to me. This time, I wasn't going to let him die. Nor was I going to let him sit in Azkaban for a few more years. I knew exactly where Pettigrew was, and I was going to fix his mistake.

     The next morning I said goodby to number 4 Pivot Drive and made my way to London.

Word count: 1365

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