10. Hogwarts Express

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     We rushed up to the library, only to find Remus checking over the twins and Percy pacing while muttering to himself. I was confused about what he was saying. He was going over what I thought to be some sort of battle plans. That was until he turned to the twins.

     "Siri is in for it, now. All day he's been playing Marauder grade pranks on us. I see the look of recognition in your eyes Remus. Honestly, thought I wouldn't notice. HA. Now you twins are fucking evil geniuses, even if I don't typically admit it. All we have to do is put your brains on pranks with Remus's and add my logic. He's royally fucked." A truly frightening thought.

     Percy's red hair was now a strawberry blond and his freckles were more pronounced. Fred and George were worse than him. Fred's hair was neon pink and his eyes were violet. George had neon green hair and strange blue dots covering his face and neck. Remus was better than all of them but you could clearly see he was very irritated. his hair was navy blue, almost black; his eyes had turned a beautiful ocher, indicating his wolf was as upset as he was. After hearing Percy talk to the others, I intervened simply because I liked my house in one piece.

     "What the hell did I say about Pranks and Prank wars?" They swiveled around so fast I thought they gave themselves whiplash. "What the actual hell has been going on here since I left?" The boys looked sheepish. Remus stepped forward and told me about Sirius going nuts with the pranks.

      "You will do nothing to retaliate. He will be expecting you to, making him on edge when you don't. Besides, when he finally shows himself with me present I'm ripping into him for what he did to my damn den. He's fixing it and removing any and all pranks he has already set up." They all shivered and dispersed to their rooms. I went to hunt down my godfather with Dray while my mum left for home.

     I found my godfather sitting in the window sill in his room, looking out over the grounds. His hair had been altered and was now down to his waist and royal purple. He was wearing muggle jeans and a weird sisters t-shirt. His back was to the wall and he had a knee up to his chest as his eyes scanned the forest at the edge of the grounds and a look of deep thought gracing his aristocratic features.

---------------------------Le time skip----------------------------

      I had gotten everyone new wardrobes by the time September 1rst rolled around. Sirius didn't argue but Remus sure as hell did. He protested that what he had was fine, but I told him no family member of mine was going to wear rags. Especially if I was going to not only keep him on the Wizmont, but as a possible teacher too. Professor Binn's needed to pass on and Remus was excellent with history. The twins were excited for the new year as I was planning on a resort for them and Percy. Hermione came to stay at the manor for the last three days. Her parents would be accompanying her over winter break. I decided that we had to make a statement at the train station. I chose everyone's outfits, with their help of course, the night before. Their trunks were done a week in advance with the same system. 

     For Percy, I chose a classic muggle suit : a white button down with a black blazer,  matching slacks and dragonhide boots; leaving him to figure out accessories. Fred helped choose a slightly less formal look; black slacks with a navy blue button down and dragonhide boots. George choose black slacks, a royal purple button down and dragonhide boots. Sirius was a lost cause, he insisted on his old leather look, but I forced him to let me give it an upgrade. I produced a Stylish black leather jacket, with a multitude of pockets, a new Weird Sister's t-shirt and black skinny jeans, pre-ripped of course. Remus was way to simple, so I spiced it up a little. I chose a pair of khaki slacks with a Gryffindor red button down and dragonhide boots. Hermione had chosen a cute red sweater dress that ended mid thigh, with black felt high heeled boots that came to her knees, and a knee length tan plaid coat. Day once again let me choose his outfit. I tried to stick to the pureblood end of the spectrum while still playing on casual. I chose a pair of dark washed jeans, a white button down, with a light gray vest that was buttoned, and a black over vest to be left open.

     I convinced Narcissa and Lucius to meet us at the platform, and we would floo in.  Remus went first, and we each took our turn, with Sirius bringing up the rear. When everyone was finally through, the Malfoy's showed up. We naturally fell into a order amongst our group. I took lead with Draco on my left, Hermione on my right, the twins directly behind me, Percy behind Hermione. Remus, Sirius, Narcissa, and Lucius brought up the back.

     The platform was bustling with people when we got through the gate. Hermione's eyes were everywhere, looking at everything she could at once. The feelings of nostalgia came forward full force. The train was just as I remembered, grand and gleaming in the morning light. Most of the people stop to stare at my group when we enter, and I note that the other Weasleys haven't arrived yet. No matter, they would here about the Snape-worthy entrance. After all, I did learn how to make a lasting impression from the best.

     We completely ignore everyone, other than Neville Longbottom and Jordan Lee. As I told my group that we had to recruit them immediately. Percy was dispatched immediately  to retrieve Neville and the twins for Lee, while we secured a compartment for our group. Moony and Padfoot had all of our trunks shrunken down and in their pockets. We chose the last car on the train and set up for our long trek to the Hogsmeade station. It took the twins 5 minutes to find us and Percy almost 10. Both Neville and Jordan Lee looked quite confused, but didn't question me after I made it clear that I would explain when we left the station and were settled in.

     5 minutes until the last boarding whistle sounded, the Weasley clan walked through the gate. Molly was yelling, Arthur wasn't present, Ron was being an arrogant ass, and Ginny was already dressing as a slut. Molly was yelling throughout the crowds of people for Percy and the Twins, all to no avail. Witches and wizards alike, even the muggleborns, shied away from the disgrace of a magical family. I couldn't help myself, so after telling everyone to stay put, I made my way onto the platform to school the weasels. 

     "Your not going to find them, their purposefully ignoring and avoiding you and your disgraceful family. Honestly Molly, where the hell do you think they have been for the last month or so? With me, obviously , I have taken them under my wing. A small, ok large, development though. They now go by Prewitt and are the lords of their house. Now Ron, Get the hell on the train, Your going to miss it if not. Bye Molly, good luck." I turned my back to the floundering woman and her daughter as Ron took off to make it to the train. Just as I sat next to Draco again, the train lurched forward and we were off.

     I launched into the expiation for Neville and Lee, both absorbing what I was saying like a sponge. When I was finished, both pledged their loyalty to me.  After they took my mark, I decided that now was the best part to hold a formal meeting and give them some assignments.

     "Ok. Meeting in session. Hemione, take out the journal I gave you yesterday. Your going to be taking important notes, mostly assignments and who has which." She nodded and produced the never ending journal and a ballpoint pen.

     "First things first, houses. I don't care what house you enter, I own all of them, but that's not the point. The house you get put in reflects your biggest attribute. Neville, my last go round you were a Gryffindor. Don't choose to hackle the damn hat if it wants to put you somewhere else. ok?" He nodded his agreement and we moved on.

     "We need to scout other students, maybe even branching into the staff. Fred, Gorge you are my weapons experts so get creative. Jordan Lee, your with the twins. Percy you are responsible for watching the Gryffindor's. Neville, you will most likely wind up in Hufflepuff, you scout them. Hermione, you will most likely be put in Ravenclaw so their your responsibility. I am going to be in Slytherin along with Draco, so you will be a part of my court. I will be laying down the law as soon as the hat touches my head." The meeting went on for another 10 minutes, before we decided to move on to our own things.

Word count: 1567

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