5. Meetings and Mates

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      When I woke up, I was once again refreshed and ready for what today would throw my way. I knew I had to look my utmost best for today, so I picked a pair of tight black lether pants, a black button down, and my dragon hide boots. I left the top few buttons of the shirt undone and grabbed a siver emerald encrusted Rolex to put on. Moving on to my hair, I attempted to tame it, settling for a gelled, purposely messed up look. Looking through the feminine jewelry I chose a sterling silver chain with a simple emrald pendant and put it on.

      I made my way down to breakfast and saw the boys already there. They whistled at me as I sat down and, like an adult, I stuck my toung out at them.

     "Dress nice for lunch ok? I wanna impress my Godfather this go around. No need for them to rope you in with your family. Your nothing like them." They agreed and soon we went our seperate ways.

     Fred and George went up to their studies, and Percy to the library. I summoned one of the many dark arts texts that I got from the Morgana vault and sat in the den waiting. About an hour and a half later Tripsy notified me that the Malfoy's were coming up the drive and that lunch would be served at about 1pm, as I asked for a slightly later lunch. I told her to notify the boys and went to greet the Malfoy's.

      Lucius wore traditional pureblood dress robes, Narcissa wore a Slytherin green dress, and Draco wore a grey muggle suit. I let my eyes wonder Draco for a second, as they were only 3/4ths of the way up the drive. He was at least 5'11", and his blond hair was pushed back with gell. He was fine as hell, just like the last time. I could feel the crush come back but with more force. I pushed the feeling down as best as I could and smiled to them as they walked up the steps.

      "Welcome to my manor. You've probably guessed by now where the hell I was for all these years." Lucius nodded and we traipsed back to the den. After my explanations, Narcissa started to fuss over me. Lucius tried to calm her but to no avail. It was only when Draco approached and asked his mother to stop, that she did.

     As he turned to make his way back to the chair he was occupying; the air startled, wafting to me the most intoxicating smell of smoked cedar wood and cypress. I stood and grabbed his wrist, startling him. He turned back to me and looked at me with question filled eyes. In response I lifted his wrist to my nose and smelled again. 'Mine. My mate. Mine.' Were the only thoughts in my head as I held out my wrist to him, begging him silently to understand.

      It took him a second to figure out what I was doing; but the second he did, I was rewarded by him taking a small sniff of my wrist. The second he did, he growled and yanked me to his chest. I practicality purred and nuzzled his neck as he burried his nose in my hair. Lucius was the first to break the silence.

     "Holy shit." We jumped and looked over to his parents sitting on the loveseat. I could feel my face warming and reburied my face in Draco's chest.

      "Well, I didn't see that one coming. Draco, protect him at all costs. I don't think you want Tom and Sev on your ass." I could feel him nod to his mother and we seperated.

      I led them to the dining hall and a second later the 3 boys joined us. Draco looked right confused about there being Weasleys in my house, but after a short explanation he was easily shaking thier hands. We could tell that the kitchen elfs were very happy to have work, as they made a full feast. Roasted turky, rolls, salad, potatoes and several desserts that I had never seen before (but were quite delicious) appeared along the table.

      The Malfoy's stayed for the rest of the afternoon, getting to know me properly. They allowed Draco to stay with me for a few days, so that the bond could strengthen. Before they left, Narcissa and Lucius pulled me aside to inform me of how my parents took the news about me knowing about them. Oof....

      Tom and Severus had rejoiced for a moment, then asked where I was. Lucius knew what I would do if he betrayed my trust in him, so he explaind to Tom why I wasn't there. To say they were pissed was the understatement of the century. Tom had been so pissed that they refused to tell where I was, let alone where I was spotted, that he drew his wand on Lucius. He was about to use the Caractus curse on him, when Narcissa stepped in to explain my reasons. Niether of them liked it, but they understood and backed off.

      I didn't know when I was going to reconnect with my parents, but I knew it would be before school. I wanted to get Remus Lupin on the correct side before I delt with Sirius, after that most likely. Sirius was going to be an issue. I had Peter, but it was going to be a long while before I could get him a retrial, unless of corse he didn't have one to begin with. I owled Remus and he had replied instantly that he would be here tomorrow morning to reconnect with me. He told me in his letter how he had been trying to get letters and gifts to me but they always came back unopened. Damn Dumbledore....

      That night, I cuddled up into Draco's side and let sleep consume me.

^Time skip^

     When I woke up, my eyes were greated by a bare chest. It took a second to remember who I fell asleep next to; but after a moment, I shifted to look up at him. He was still asleep and looked so peaceful. I took in his features for a moment. His blond hair, his angelicly arched eyebrows, his perfectly carved nose, his carefully shaped lips, and his sharp jawline. He was perfect and he was mine. After a moment more, I decided on kissing him awake.

     I pressed a small kiss to the base of his neck, causing him to stir slightly. I trailed them up to his jawline before he gabbed me and slammed his mouth to mine. Euphoria. Pure and utter bliss in one simple action. After a small make out session, I forced him to get up for the day.

      I chose a pair of tight, ripped dark denim jeans with a Wierd Sisters t-shirt and some running shoes. I fixed my hair the same way as yesterday and chose a simple golden Rolex and chain to wear. I picked up a certain item I had picked up from the Parevell's vault, that I wanted to give my mate. It was a Stirling silver chain holding a beautiful, hand sculpted jade stone. The stone was wrapped in amethyst, and ment for protection. Simple, but beautifully useful. I had one to match, but wouldn't wear it until school started.

     He was touched to receive something so rare and protective. He wore it with pride and let me pick out his outfit for the day. Knowing that he preferred to be on the fancier side of casual, I pick something that left me drooling over him of course. By the time I was done he was wearing a pair of black slacks, a blue (almost black) button down, and pair of dragon hide boots. I fixed his hair in a more loose and fitting way and he loved it, letting me do what I wanted. I brought out one of the many Rolexes I owned for him to wear. Now finished and ready, we headed down for food.

     Breakfast was uneventful but as we were walking out of the dining room, Tripsy told me Remus was almost up the drive. I ushered everyone to be respectful of him and let them do their own thing. Draco stayed with me the entire time though. I answered the door before he could knock and tackled him in a bear hug. He laughed an set me back on my feet. After steadying myself, I led them to the den to talk. I summoned an anti-obliviate potion and a loyalty charm breaking potion, making him drink them before I told him everything. He was pissed and easily joind me, telling me I was always a part of his pack.

     When I told him of Padfoot being innocent, he went off on an I-knew-it tangent. It took me almost an hour to calm him, but once I did, I told him of how I was going to the ministry tomorrow for a meeting with Madam Bones. He implored that he got to go with me. I agreed but only if he could keep his wolf in check, he agreed.

Word count: 1550

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