6. Fuck ups in the Ministry

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      Remus stayed the night, and I offered to let him stay there permanently. I refused to let Sirius live anywhere but here, as I would state that he would be in my care at the trial. Remus didn't argue and said that he wasn't going to be leaving his pack behind. The evening brought many things into perspective for Remus, but was told he would always be uncle moons. When he herd the nickname I used to use for him as a small child, he broke down crying. They drifted off to their respective rooms to sleep around 10:30 that night to get the right amount of sleep for tomorrow.

      The next morning brought much talk of Sirius's mental condition. It was going to be a bit better than what he had been in Hadrian's first life. He thought of what Padfoot had told him about Severus in his last life.


     "I felt compelled in my fith year to show him to moony. I didn't want to, but I had no choice. It was like I didn't have control of my own body for a while. A few hours at the very least. James said, later that night, that he felt the same. James was able to break out of the imperious curse but I wasn't, especially after he did, because the magic holding me doubled. Like whoever did the spell on James and me, had done it at the same time in a general spell. So whenever James got out, I took the rest of the magic on too." He was quite upset and had stayed quiet the rest of the evening, blaming himself for not being able to shake the foreign magic off himself.

*End of flashback*

     I dressed in a nice muggle suit for this meeting. The suit was a dark, ash gray with thin white pin stripes and it fit perfectly. I did my hair in the style that was quickly becoming routine. I chose a black gold Rolex with diamonds inlaid in a ring around the hands of the clock in place of the numbers, marking the time. A simple black gold chain now hung from my neck and I was ready to do anything in my power.

     The plan was that Mr. Prewitt would be meeting me and Remus in front of the room the meeting would be held in. Draco had said he had a few errands to run, so he wouldn't be with me. Madam Bones would recognize Mr. Prewitt, as he was the most known lawyer in the magical world, and would know we ment business. If either of them had anything to say about why I was with a werewolf, it would die on their lips. I would have a magically expanded briefcase with me, holding Pettigrew's shrunken travel cage. I didn't want anyone to see him before the meeting. No one would recognize him, but I still didn't want to risk anything.

    We flooed to the atrium at the ministry and made our way to the wand registry desks. After a short wait, we passed through and made the track down the labyrinth of halls to the office of the Minister of Magic. Mr. Prewitt was already waiting outside the door for our arrival. He said that Bones and Fudge were already inside the office and we entered. Fuge had been looking over a document and Madam Bones had been gazing about the office. When the door opened, they looked up and were quite suprised to see Mr. Prewitt standing infront of someone. Once Prewitt had entered the office and they could see who was behind him, they were shocked to find a small boy and Remus Lupin.

     "Madam Bones, Minister Fudge. This is Mr. Potter and I'm sure you already know Mr. Lupin." Mr. Prewitt stated, walking further into the room and setting his brief case on the floor near the desk. Fuge looked over to Hadrian with wide eyes, then up to Remus. Bones, however, shook hands with Prewitt and then greeted the two other males politely.

     "What's the pleasure Mr. Potter?" Fuge was nervous being in the presence of the child that Albus Dumbledore proclaimed the 'chosen one'.

    "The purpose of our visit is strictly
business, Minister Fudge. My godfather, a one Sirius Orion Black, was never given a trial. I have two different sources providing information that he is innocent." I stated.

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