8. Father Son Reunion

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      I was nervous as hell. Mom had forced me into one of my fancier robes against my will, then tried to fix my hair before I smacked his hand. I had given mom a protective bracelet; it was silver and lined with small emrald and amethyst stones. I snuck some small gifts into a hidden pocket of my robes when he wasn't looking. For dad I had a simular bracelet, it was gold and alternated between emerald and amethyst stones. I grabbed a white gold necklace with a dimond drop pendant for Narcissa and a pair of pink pearl earrings for Bellatrix.

      Now we were standing in Riddle Mannor and I was waiting for the signal from mother. Draco stood with me, as he was escorting me in. We had decided it best to wait until christmas to introduce my new additions. They held my mark now. After mom had hugged the shit out of me, we descussed that it was best for them to pledge to me before we introduced them.

       The prophecy was a fake but, in a way, it came true because of Dumbledore's dumb ass.

     "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

     I was adopted using the old ways by the Potters, therefore, in a way, I was reborn. My birthday was July 31st in both lives. Voldemort marked me as his equal when he threw the killing curse at me. I have the knowledge that I wasn't from the Potter line, as knowledge is power. In less than 5 minutes Voldemort will technically be dead. I was about to give him the one thing he has longed for for the last 10 years, me. I also had all of the soul pieces and was going to restore his soul after the meeting. Voldemort would be back to being just Tom Marvolo Riddle.

     Finally, we heard the signal. It was just 'he's here, love'. Tom went nuts, asking why the hell I haven't come to see him yet and how mom had known. Before mom could answer, we burst through the door in a fashion Mum would be proud of. Draco held onto my hand as the hood of the cloak I was wearing was making it a little hard to see. Everyone quieted immediately, Tom too. Mom stood and made his way over.

      "Their just staring Ren, take the hood off. They try hexing you and their going to have to watch their damn food for the rest of their short lives." I smiled slightly and lifted my head, as I let my hood fall. Tom was chuckling at mom's words, and it died on his lips when he saw me.

     "Your kidding me. Your absolutely shitting me right now." Bellatrix said, snapping Tom out of his reprieve. he sat down hard in his chair. 

     "No wonder you didn't want to come home. I tried to kill my own baby." By the end, he was almost whimpering.

     "That's not the reason. I had certain things I had to do after I found out my true heritage. Things that were vital to, not only you, but to ensure our future will be bright... in a sense." They all stared in confusion.

     "And those things would be..?" Father asked.

"Well for starters, getting my supplies. Secondly, getting all the horcruxes gathered up. Yes, not only do I know what one is, I knew where you hid them all. Yes, I know you made more than one. How I know all of this will be explained later. Right now, however, lets just focus on restoring your soul. Oh, and before I forget, you made a seventh; it's sitting in my head." The tension rolling off father was palpable at this point.

     "Lets get this over with." Father said grudgingly. After a very lengthy ritual, everyone was back in the meeting room. Mom was staring at Papa and he was staring at me and my mate.

     "Are you two mates? Cause the only reason you should be in anyone's lap, is because your supposed to be together." Great, overprotective dad. 

     "Yes Papa, we are. Don't even give him that look, Mom beat you to the punch and he already knows what your capable of. But, I will warn you, you touch mine... I kill you." Papa looked over to me quickly and smiled. "I'm not joking, your fucking with the most powerful wizard to ever live. I'm stronger than Merlin and Morgana." His smile died, and Bellatrix choked on her drink.

     "What?!? Why didn't you tell me?" Draco, who had been quiet until now, raised his voice. 

     Even though I knew he wasn't threatening me, it made me flash back to the way Vernon would speak to me. I flinched. He freaked at that, as did everyone else. They all started to ask if I was ok, but Papa knew and intervened. He knew why I flinched, as he had went through similar things from the orphanage he grew up in. He picked me up out of Draco's lap and sat with me, calming me through soft words of encouragement. Draco had started to protest, but stopped to watch and learn how to take care of me. I was grateful for that. Mom looked on with sad eyes.

     "They sent you to Petunia, didn't they." Mom's voice was low, but caught everyone's attention.

     "Dumbledore is the one who took me away from you, he also dumped me at her house. It wasn't Petunia that I had to fear. It was her husband, Vernon. She couldn't intervene for the sake of her and her child's life. Don't be mad at her, she was doing what she could, when she could. He still hurt her too, and forced Dudley to do things he didn't want to. Before I left, I helped her prep for her divorce. He didn't come home that night. So 2 days after I left, I owled her. He had gotten so intoxicated that he had a altercation with an other bar patron, it got violent. He went to jail, was sitting in county, waiting for his hearing for the aggravated assault when Petunia served the divorce papers to him, he tried to strangle her threw the bars of the cell. He got tried yesterday, he got life with out a chance of parole because of a fucking plea barging." I ranted, angry about how he was let off with a slap on the wrist. I knew I should of told Draco about this, but I just hadn't been ready yet.

Word count: 1170

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