9. Stories and Gifts

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     Papa let me sit back in Dray's lap, but on the condition that I tell them everything. I launched into my story, leaving out the names of my followers. When I had finished the last of my story, Bellatrix tried to storm off to deal with Vernon and Dumbledore herself, but I knew that would raise alarms with the Order of the Phoenix so I stopped her.

     "You wont get your gift if you go after him now Auntie Trix." She topped and turned around.

    "What did you call me? And what gift?" She asked. I pulled out the several jewelry boxes I had hidden in my robes and set them in front of me.

     "I called you Auntie Trix and one of these is meant for you; but if you won't behave, I'll just keep it." She shook her head and sat back down. I got up and gave Papa his box, then returned to my seat. He looked up quickly after opening the lid and smiled his thanks. I pointed out that I had given Mom the match to it and they smiled knowingly at each other. I stood, again, and gave Auntie Trix hers. She hugged me so tight I thought she punctured a lung. When I gave Narcissa hers and she almost cried while thanking me.

     With the gifts out of the way, I made them get down to business. We started planning out the christmas break. As we were talking, Tripsy poped in and gave me my letter for Hogwarts. A second after she popped away, Dobby popped in and handed Dray his.

     "Hello Dobby. How are you?" He looked up at me, eyes wide.

     "You's being talking to Dobby may get Dobby in trouble. But I's is ok, Sirs." He looked quite frightened, eyes darting from me to Draco and then to his parents.

     "You won't be any trouble dearest Dobby. Draco is my mate. And if either my Godmother, Godfather, or mate have a problem with me being your friend... Well there will be consequences for that." He looked slightly taken aback. The same reaction as the last time I told him we were friends.

     "We's friends?" He asked hopefully.

     "Well of course. May I show you something?" He nodded his head so fast, I thought he broke his neck for a moment. I knelt in front of him and touched his temple for a moment. His large eyes welled with tears and I could feel my own rolling down my cheeks. I hated having to relive his death, as I blamed myself for not being able to help him more.

     He launched himself at me, latching around my neck as his silence ended. His small body raked with sobs and I sat on the floor rocking back and forth. I could feel my mate staring at me, along with everyone else, but ignored them. I needed a moment with Dobby. His death had been one of the hardest on me.

     "Why would Mistress Bella-" I knew I couldn't let him finish that sentence.

     "That was my last life, Dobby. Things were different then. I didn't know who I really was. I was used, but not this time. I know who I am now, and there is no way in hell I'm letting you take a damn dagger for me and the others this time." I pulled away slightly to look at his face. He had stopped crying thankfully and was smiling.

     "But I's would if thats what Sir's needed. Sir's was a good friends to Dobby. The first friends Dobby ever has." He looked over my shoulder at Draco. "Be's good to Sirs. He's being special."

     Draco knodded and Dobby popped away. I got up and dusted off my robes, then returned to sitting with Dray. Everyone was starring, but I ignored them to wipe away the tears.

     "What was he starting to say about me? 'Why would Mistress Bella...' What?" Trix asked, voice grave. "Whatever it was wasn't nice sounding. It also had to do with your last life, what was it that I did that caused you to cry like that?" I didn't want to see it for the 3rd time, but I had to tell her or she would keep asking.

     "You killed Dobby in my last life. Some assholes brought my group of 3 to Malfoy mansion, and we were locked in the dungeons with Olivander, Luna Lovegood, and Griphook. Griphook is my vaults manager at Gringots, Luna is one of my best friends, and you already know who Olivander is. My group consisted of Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and myself. Ron's a traitor and not to be trusted, but Hermione is ok. Auntie Trix was torturing Hermione because we had the sword of Griffindor, not to mention she's a muggleborn. Dobby had been technically released from the Malfoy employment by a crafty little trick by yours truly and he helpped get us out. My wand had been snapped in an encounter with Nagini and I wound up disarming Dray. When Dobby was popping us to safty from the ballroom, you threw a dagger, it popped away with us. When we landed.... it had embedded itself in his abdomen. It struck him in a place I couldnt heal, I couldn't save him"

     New tears streamed down my face and I turned into Dray's chest. Trix's breath was ragged, as was most of the people's in the room. It took me another 15 minutes before I could fully recover again and sit up straight.

     "We need to get planning for the upcoming school year. I have some startling information that could work in our favor." That caught Papa, mum, and Dray's attention. True, it caused the room to go quiet so people could here, but they were the most intrigued.

     "What information, Love?" dray coaxed me.

     "I am the sole lord of Hogwarts." Everyone was shocked, except for papa and mum who looked utterly confused.

     "I own the school as I am descended from all 4 founders. Mum you were the heir of Hufflepuff, but you timed out on claiming either of the lord or heir ship. Papa was the heir of Slytherin, but he never claimed the lordship and I technically defeated you making me automatically have the heirship. The Potter's blood adopted me, then had their memories (and mine) wiped. Lilly was from the direct branch of Ravenclaw, making her the heir of said house. James was the direct descendent of Godrick Gryffindor, making him Gryffindor's heir. They left everything to me as well, thus making me the rightful and sole heir and now lord of all of Hogwarts." Papa sat back with a complicated and hard to read expression. 

     "Your right.... this defiantly will be working in our favor. As we are abruptly changing the course of the war to a political stand point, this will help make other families see our goals that were hidden by my insanity." Papa mused. 

     The meeting went on for another two hours before me and Dray got to floo back to Potter Manor. When we stepped out no one was in the front room and the estate was silent,  but it was wrecked. The couch was turned upside down, the loveseat was standing on its end leaning on a wall, the rug was pilled in a heap in the opposite corner, the coffee table was smashed to splinters, and the chairs were tossed on their side. As I stared about the room, the fire flared and mum stepped through.

     "What the absolute hell happened here?" His eyes darted around the room.

     "No idea. We've been trying to figure that out since we got here." Dray answered before I could.

      "Well whoever did its gonna be getting a big wake up call. Unless of course this was from a very big accident, like someone having a burst of anger or accidental magic or even bypassing my wards." Dray shivered as I said the last one. 

      A moment later Tripsy popped in, saying she found Remus and the Weasley boys knocked out in the library and that their ok. 

Word count: 1361

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