3. Wands and Wesley's

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     After getting out of Prewitt and Jeffers, I made my way further into Knocturn Alley. After 4 shops, I found a customizing wand shop. Wands by Pestle. It was a small shop but quite functional. There was a case of wood samples on the far left wall, a case of core samples on the right, and a large case of gems in the center. The man that entered the front of the shop from the back room was short and stout, but put off this I-know-what-I'm-doing vibe. He had a small cart with him, and made his way over when he spotted me.

     "You've come to the right place to get your wand sir. If you would come with me to the wood samples. Just run your fingers over the samples, when you feel a warmth pick it up. And place it on the cart. Go over every piece to make sure you have the one with the most warmth. It's ok if you have more than one." I did as he instructed and had found 5 woods that showed much promise.

     "Very interesting. Elder wood, only the strongest wizards and witches can master their wands. Cherry wood requires exceptional self-control, as it can posses a truly lethal power. English Oak wood wands usually have an affinity with the natural strength, courage, and fidelity. Silver Lime wood wands are known to perform best for Seers and Ligilimens. Yew wood wands find their ideal match with the unusual and notorious, and are reputed to give its user the power of life and death."  He explained. "Now which of these five create the greatest warmth?"

     I touched each piece again. The warmth was the same for all of them. I picked up each piece and held it for a moment, but the conclusion was still the same. They were all equal to me. When I explained this he gave me a rather funny look and, at my mention, he explained.

     "No one has ever wielded a wand of 5 woods. Hell! Merlin himself only had 3. Some of the same woods to be exact, only you also have Yew and Silver Lime. You are stronger than Merlin my boy! Keep this quiet for now, you don't want the wrong people to know of this!" He whispered to me, even though we were the only ones in his shop. I nodded in understanding and he led me to the gem case, telling me to repeat the process. I, again, wound up with 5; repeating the second and third appraisement of them as well. Leaving him completely stunned.

      "Emerald, crystal, opal, sapphire, and ruby. Very peculiar, just like the woods?" I nodded and told him I knew the properties of each. With that noted he steered me to the cores case, repeating the process. Once again, I was left with 5. I'm very glad I came here, I would never know what power I had if I didn't.

     "Thestral tail hair, white river monster spine, horned serpent horn, Basilisk venom, and Dementors cloak. Geez kid. Your one powerful wizard. Most powerful one to live thus far. I'm proud and honored you came to my shop to get your wand done. It will be ready in about 2 hours, but by the time it's done I'll be closed. Can you pick it up tomorrow?" After agreeing to be my first stop tomorrow morning, he bowed to me and I exited the shop to look around a bit more.

     A few shops caught my eye, but nothing to special that couldn't wait till tomorrow morning. With that thought I decided to make my way back to The Leaky Cauldron and book a room for the evening.

     I was walking past Gringotts, on my way to the exit, when I heard it. Arguing.  I looked around at the emptying street and saw that the Weasley's were arguing with the Malfoy's infront of Madam Malkin's robe shop. I figured that I might as well brake up their fight. Preferably before a wand was drawn, so I made my way over.

     "Just because you have so much money, doesn't mean a damn thing!" Molly shouted. Before any of the Malfoy's could answer, I broke into the conversation.

     "Its not the fact that they have money, Mrs. Weasley.  Its the fact that Mr. Malfoy has influence that your family doesn't. Now stop the yelling and be fucking civil for Merlin's sake! Your acting like a 2 year old, and getting much unwanted attention." As I spoke, I had unconsciously moved in front of the Malfoy's.

     I gestured to the watching witches and wizards that dotted the street, making her look around along with her children. I noticed Fred, George, and Percy had crossed the street to distance themselves from their mother. They were looking quite irritated and uncomfortable with the situation. Molly huffed, turned on her heel, and left without a word. The 3 remaining Weasley's left approached us cautiously and apologized for their families behavior.

     "It's not your fault boys. Honestly, your mother is just a bitch about things. I apologize that you guys have to stay there... No, no you don't! Not anymore. Look, I have many properties and you can come stay with me at my manor. Go back to the Burrow for tonight, pack your things. Percy, don't give Ron the rat, bring him with you! I'll explain everything after you get settled in. I'll owl you a port key." They agreed quickly then took off to get home. I sighed, for the umpteenth time today, and turned to face the Malfoy's.

     "Hadrian?" Lucius asked staring at me like I was an illusion.

     "Hello, godfather, godmother. Its been a while. Look, I'll explain everything later, but for right now, refrain from telling my parents where I am. You may tell them I'm alive just not where I am. I will owl you a port key the day after tomorrow for you to come to my manor. We'll discuss everything over lunch. Bring Draco, but not my parents. I want to ease into that." With that I turned my signet ring thinking of Potter manor. With a silent plea of home, I aperated to the end of the long drive.

     I took in the house as I made my way up the drive to the front door. The manor was 5 stories and had a pointed and slanted rooftop. The exterior walls were constructed from a beige colored brick and some rooms had balconies with French doors overlooking the property. The front door was made of English oak wood. The manor was stunning.

The interior was just as lavish from what I could make out of other rooms connected to the entry hall. A large den to the left and a dinning hall splintering to the right. Both rooms being quite large. The thing that caught most of my attention, however, was the beautifully crafted grand staircase. It went up about 20 steps before it split in two, wrapping around a balcony that let you view the grand entryway.


    A small house elf appeared at the base of the stairs.

      "Welcomes home Master! I's being Tripsy! I's is being the head elf, if you's being needing anything let me knows. Just call out my names sir!" She was quite hyper, possibly excited of the prospect of work.

     "Thank you Tripsy. Can you take my things to the Master suite. Then let the elves in the kitchen know that I'm home. Do mention to them that, tomorrow, 3 more people will be joining me permanently here. They do go to Hogwarts, so we will all be gone during the school year. Also that another 3 people will be over for a lunch meeting of sorts the day after tomorrow. That's all for now." She nodded and bounced in her excitement. Popping away to fulfill the tasks given to her.

I explored the some of the first floor and part of the second. I discovered the den was deked out in a Gryffindor style and the dining room was a very Slytherin and Victorian mix. From what I had discovered so far, the second floor held a library, a potions lab, a potions store room and two studies. I took over the bigger of the two for business, noting that there were several journal type diaries within this one. One of witch sat at the desk. Putting off reading them for now,  I made my way back down to the dining room as Tripsy had let me know dinner was ready.

Word count: 1440

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