4. Rommates and friends

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Tripsy took me to the master suite where my things were. It was on the 5th floor, at the very end of the hall. It had double doors made of English Oak wood with brass handles. When I entered, I understood why it was the master bedroom. It was a room of luxury. A king sized four poster bed covered in soft earthy toned sheets and blankets, paired with lavender colored pillows.

My trunk sat at the foot of the bed and the bathroom door, on the right side of the room, was ajar. The bathroom walls were a soft blue that matched that of the sky on a clear sunny day. Tiled floor was a stone patteren set in a clear gloss. The walk-in shower, to the right, had ocean green tiles and next to it was a porcelain tub. The toilet bing furthest from the door, on the left side of the room, and the wash basin sat closest to the door.

I exited the bathroom and went to the opposite side of the room to see the closet. When I opened the door the lights automatically came on, showcasing the giant walk-in tht now held my small amount of poor clothes and shoes, along with my large amount of jewelry. There were rows upon rows of racks to hang up clothes, and shelf after shelf for shoes. The back wall alone was just for accessories like jewelry and sunglasses.

I exited the closet and got ready for bed. The lights went out and I was alseep the second my head hit the pillow.

^Time skip^

I woke up refreshed and happy. No more Vernon fucking up my days. I got up and dressed in my best for today. I would need to get new clothes. Maybe even venturing into muggle london for some.

I grabbed a parchment, quill, and ink and made my way down to the dinning hall for breakfast. As I ate I wrote out the port key for the Weasley boys. The activation word was thunderbird. After I had finished that and sent it off, I went ahead and did the Malfoy's port key; making thier activation word, family. After finishing that I put it aside and focused on my breakfast.

Once I finished eating, I made my way back to my room and put the writing utensils away and got ready to leave. I called Tripsy and had her pop me over to the alley by The Leaky Cauldron. I dismissed her so she could go back to the house, then made my way through the pub/hotel to the entrance of Diagon Alley. I skipped over all the shops and traipsed into Knocturn, making my way to Wands by Pestle.

5 minutes later I was 350 Galleons lighter and had the most powerful wand the world had ever seen. The woods had merged in such a way that the colors made a swerling pattern, quite like smoke from a cigarette does when exhaled. The gems had been strategically placed to end off the sets of swerls that flowed to vering points along the wand. The core wasn't seen, but you could definatly feel it. It thrummed with a pleasuring power when I picked it up.

The wand itself was 300 Galleons. I chose an enchanted Slytherin green holster for it that cost 20 Galleons. I then gave him 30 extra Galleons for a thank you. I exited the wand shop with every intention of bringing Hermione and the boys here to get them a new wand. They would love it, just as I did.

I made it to the robe shope 3 buildings over, Madam Marren's Robes Galore. She took measurments then let me pick the fabrics and styles. She told me they would be ready in an hour, so I made my way to the other small shops that had caught my eye yesterday. Nothing particularly caught my fancy in any of them, so I cast a quick tempus and saw I had enough time to get back to Madam Marren's. When I walked in she told me they were done and totalled up the cost.

1,000 Galleons later, I had changed into one of the more casual styles that I had picked. Black slacks, a crisp Slytherin green button down, and a nice pair of black dragon hide boots. That done, I went to drop my things at the manor, and eat lunch. Maybe this afternoon I'll take the boys shopping.

^Time skip^

I decided to wait to eat so I could eat with the boys. I was in the den waiting for them, when I head Tripsy saying a few people were here. I told her to get 3 rooms ready on the 3rd floor and she popped away. I could hear them in the entry so I went to greet them.

"Welcome home! I know, I know the place is huge. We will get down to business in a sec. Leave your things in 3 different piles, it shall be taken to your rooms. You will be shown them after dinner. Have you eaten lunch yet?" The answered with a no and so I led them into the dining hall.

As we ate I explained some things and some basic rules:

1. The 3 studies at the end of the second floor were open for their use, wich they were excited about.
2. Their rooms were on the 3rd floor and mine was at the end of the hall on the 5th.
3. Where my studies were and what they were for.
4. That there was going to be no pranks with in the house or on the grounds, unless it was on the harmless side. The twins saddened at this but perked right up as I said harmless.
5. There would be absolutly no bursting into rooms, especially the bedrooms, as that will get you hexed at the very least.
6. The Malfoy's lunch/meeting tomorrow and that they had to be on their best behavior.
6. How I knew what I knew. Everything about the future and my situation. They pledged to follow me anywhere.

Once we were done with lunch I asked if they wanted to pop over to muggle London for some shopping and they agreed. But not before trying to warn me that they didn't understand muggle money. I soothed their immediate fears by telling them that I would manage the money, but in the following days I would teach them many things.

Tripsy once again poped me over to london, only this time we had 3 guests. We were in the same alley by The Leaky Cauldron so before we went shopping in the muggle world, I drug them to the wand shop in Knoctern. Telling them I was getting them new wands. They tried to protest but I wouldn't take no for an answer.

Percy went first, then George, then Fred. Percy wound up with an Apple wood wand, a crystal for the gem, and unicorn tail hair for his core. George got a Dogwood wood wand with a diamond gem, and Thunderbird tail feather as his core. Fred got a red Oak wood wand, a diamond gem, and white river monster spine for the core.

He said they would all be done in 2 hours, so we made our way out to muggle London for clothes and other things. We each got a few things from hot topic, rue 21, Spencer's, and a few other places. When we were out of sight and in an alley, we shrunk the bags and pocketed them, heading back to the wand shop. When they picked up their wands, they smiled. I paid, their wands were only 150 Galleons each so it was nothing to me. I made them go to the robe shop I went to this morning. After they were done and all we had to do was wait, I treated them to icecream.

After and hour we went back, as they gathered their things, I paid for everything. They each hit me upside the head in protest when they found out but I didn't care. All of their robes and clothes from Madam Marren's were a total of 1,050 Galleons. Again, not a dent in any of the money I had. We made our way home, and let the house elfs put our things in our rooms, then sat in the den. An hour later we ate dinner and went our seperate ways for bed.

Word count: 1430

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