Chapter #1

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Chapter One- Edited


Feelings - the most disgusting thing I had ever come across.

Okay, maybe I'm biased because I had just got my heart shattered, but I still felt disgusted with myself for catching those damn feelings to begin with. You'd think I would've known better after watching my best friend move from one guy to another, getting her heart shattered in the progress, but nope I just had to put myself out there. I should've blamed her, my friend, as she was the one who suggested I put myself out there with the college man-hoe no less, but I couldn't. I went out with the guy; I thought I would change him.

Yeah, I know, I was stupid for a straight-A student.

It doesn't matter now, I'm a clown and I shall wear my red wig like a fucken tiara. I could keep a low profile if I wanted to and not go to class for a while, but my grandma did not raise a coward.

Who am I kidding? I was a coward, hence I'd been in my apartment for a full five days now. My best friend tried to get me to go to class, but nope, I don't roll like that. I should probably just visit my grandmother this weekend since I hadn't seen her in a long time, and God knew I needed the space.

I still couldn't believe it. How did I get myself played so bad? I was a nerd, yes, but damn I should've been smarter than this. Just wait till I told my grandmother about all of this; she and the ladies at the nursing home were going to have the time of their lives, I kid you not (especially after they'd warned me frequently about the whole relationship). Yes, I told them everything; they're my little bunch of wisdom and I loved every one of them.

My grandmother had been my guardian ever since I was born. My mother wasn't really fond of me, I know, it's weird as hell but we soldier on. It bothered me for some time, yes, but if there's anything I learned, it was to appreciate the ones that love you and if a person didn't give you any attention at all, leave them be. Family or not.

I owed the world to my grandmother because she always made me feel special and I had never felt any motherly void thanks to her. She was always there for me, taking the role of my mother in my life and I loved her even more than I had loved the idiot who broke my heart.

Ugh, there goes my brain bringing that idiot up again. With a heavy sigh, I saved the paper I was working on and closed my laptop. I needed to pack for the weekend but I couldn't get my body to cooperate with the logic so I just threw myself on my bed and tried to take a quick nap before I would decide on what to pack.

However, the universe hated me this week, of course.

I internally groaned as my best friend - and roommate - came into our apartment, talking loud with her other friend Samantha. I didn't have a problem with Samantha, it's just that some things she said bothered me and I thought she was just using Beatrice for her money.

"Okay bitch, get up we are going out," my friend shouted as she burst through my bedroom door. I pretended not to hear her and proceeded to try to get some sleep.

"Zuri, don't make me pour water all over your head," she threatened. I groaned, knowing fully well she would do this. She'd done it before.

With a sigh, I sat up and glared at her and her friend, who was currently busy checking out my room. I couldn't blame her, I never let anyone inside my room except for Beatrice and my door was always locked when Bea insisted on throwing parties. She was the social one, I was just a nerd.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to go out?" I asked my friend, glaring at her yet again. I honestly just didn't want to go out.

She just waved her hand dismissively and went to my closet. Beatrice and I have been friends since our first day in high school. She had been my only friend for years and I loved her with all my heart. She was gorgeous and stood at 5'8 while I was 5'4. She was a born athlete, so you can just imagine how incredible her body looked. Almost everything about her was perfect; from her perfect brown skin to her hazel eyes all the way to her curves - and you bet she knew it.

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