Chapter #19

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Chapter 19 - Unedited


Immortality. Do I truly want to live forever?

I mean, sure; I get to spend the rest of my life with Gedeon, but could I live out that forever being chased down by demons?

"How close was I from completing the spell?" I asked, running my hand on one book. My blood hummed, and I felt a jolt in my soul and whispers in my head. It was like the book was talking to me, begging me to open it.

"You don't want it anymore." Gedeon stated, sounding pained.

I turned to him, taking his hand in mine. "I do want it, trust me, I do. My only concern is being chased to the ends of the world by demons who want my soul." I told him, honestly.

"It will end. With this, it makes you hard to kill," he argued.

"What happens when they use the ones I love to get to me like they did with Bea? What if I give in, eventually?"

"I will protect you."

I put my hand on his cheek and gave him a small smile. There was a flame in his eyes that supported his promise. "I know you will and I promise you I will think about it,"

"That's all I ask," he rested his forehead on mine.

We stayed like that for a while, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I could understand that he didn't want to lose me and my feelings for him were taking root. I would do anything to protect him and I know me being immortal would put his mind at ease, but above all of it there was confusion and mixed feelings.

My stomach rumbled, breaking the spell. I heard Gedeon chuckle and embarrassment washed over me.

"I guess I should feed you," he laughed.

I whacked him lightly on the chest. "You need to start doing a better job at taking care of me." I chastised.

He let out a throaty chuckle that sent goosebumps all over my body. "Do you want to go back or you want to eat here?" He asked.

"Here is fine," it's not that I didn't want to go back to Bea, I just wanted some alone time with him.

I followed him out of the room into a hallway that stretched a couple of feet. The walls were grey and bare, like the other cabin we just left.

At the end of the hallway was an elevator that had a touch-pad. I watched as Gedeon put his hand on the touch-pad, the red light scanned his palm before it turned green revealing a pin authenticator. Gedeon put a long pin before the elevator opened and we got in.

"That's a lot of security." I commented as the elevator moved up.

"Yes, many people had killed to get your books over the years, so I had to do a better job at protecting them." He told me as the elevator continued to go up. How far below the ground are we?

"Thirty feet below ground," he answered my unvoiced question. I glared at him and he laughed. "I told you learn how to shield your thoughts."

The elevator dinged, and we came out into what looked like a walk-in closet. Again, this was also filed with dark clothes. After we were out, he closed the door and you couldn't see that there was a secret passageway in that closet unless you knew where to look. Impressive.

We exited the closet and the bedroom to the kitchen. His places all had the same open plan style. Apart from the lack of color, they were gorgeous.

"How many of these do you have?" I asked to take a seat on the stool on the kitchen island.

"I'm not sure, maybe about twenty around the world," he thought for a minute. "I think it is twenty."

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