Chapter #12

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Chapter 12- Unedited


"So, where are we going?" I asked after two long hours of silence. Gedeon has been awfully quiet and judging by the death grip on the starring wheel, he was not in a good mood.

After we had left the nursing home, we stopped in the nearby town for breakfast and even then; he was not chatty. It was like I annoyed him. We were currently driving on a dusty road, where the only thing you can see is dry vast land. The sun was out and there were no clouds in sight; I was glad I had changed out of the jeans I was wearing, but I wish I had settled for a sleeveless sundress instead of the elbow-length one I had on; the heat was too much, even with the car's air conditioner cranked up.

"Some place safe," he growled out, his jaw ticking. I couldn't help noticing how extremely hot he looked when he was angry. I resisted the urge to fan myself.

I cleared my throat. "That's not much of an answer."

"Yeah well, that's all you need to know."

I don't know what happened next, but one moment I was in a car with Gedeon, the next thing I was standing in front of a cabin, surrounded by a forest.

The grass and the large pine trees surrounding the area were green, it looked as though the sun had just set. I closed my eyes, inhaled the fresh damp air as the wind touched my face, instantly cooling me down. The birds were chirping loudly, the low hum of insects could be heard, there was a distance chatter of squirrels and field crickets were chipping away.

I opened my eyes when I felt Gedeon beside me and I realized this wasn't the other me I usually dream of, this was really me. I took in the cabin before me; there was a short walkway that led to the front door of the cabin. The cabin was made of wood, there were two wooden chairs on the porch below the big window on the left. On the right there was a small window, the door was also wooden but looked like it was new. The entire cabin looked well taken care of.

My breath hitched when I felt Gedeon snake his arm around my waist, crushing me to his chest. Electric sparks were coursing through my body. There were goosebumps all over my body and it was sure as hell not because of the wind. I felt a warm glow in my chest when he kissed the top of my head and I think I was... aroused.

"Let's get you inside," he said, his voice low and husky.

"Hmm." I moaned when his mouth brushed my neck.


I sucked in a breath as I pulled myself out of the vision, my breathing was labored. I felt the car pulling off to the side of the road.

"Breathe." Gedeon soothed, rubbing circles on my back.

Getting my breathing back to normal wasn't a problem, I was glad to find that I wasn't having my normal panic attack.

I took one last breath. "I'm fine."

"Was that your first vision?" He asked gently.

"How...?" I was about to ask but he gave me a blank stare, and I remembered he has free rein inside my head, "Right... Yes, it was my first vision."

I was still aware of his hand on my back, if he didn't take it off, I was going to pass out from the heat that was suffocating me.

"I'm fine." I said, shrugging off his hand.

I could feel his eyes on me as I turned my head side and looked out the window. I didn't want to have all these feelings for Gedeon, I would end up hurt more than I think can take. He started the car and continued driving on the empty road. We've been driving for a while now and I haven't even seen a single car on the road with us. If my vision was right, we were almost at our destination. It was already late afternoon.

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