2. F O U N D

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Umair took a deep breath, immediately turning the heat in the car on.

"I don't understand how you eat ice cream in this weather?" he rubbed his large hands together as he glanced at the woman sitting beside him.

Her eyes sparkled, as she held her cup of chocolate hazelnut chunked ice cream in her her left hand, her diamond rings sparkling in the moonlight. She turned to look at him.

"You're so boring" she rolled her eyes, "I don't know why I married you" Naina scooped a spoon full of ice cream, studding it into her mouth, almost moaning as the rich taste of hazelnut and chocolate filled her taste buds.

Reversing his car out of the parking lot of LULU'S ICE CREAM, Umair chuckled "you love me, honey" he took her right hand d into his, causing the spook in her hand to fall on to her white pajama pants. She glares at the man beside her as she grabbed a tissue from the dashboard, wiping away the brown treat before it stained her silk pants.

"I don't know why I do." Naina smiled at her husband as he places his hand on her stomach, feeling her child kick under its father's warm hand. "I love you guys." Umair snuck a glance at his wife as he drove. "you do that is why you took me out for ice cream at," Naina looked "11:47 at night" she scooped up another spook of ice cream that has melted and offered a bite to her husband. She shrugged her shoulders and ate the sweet treat when her husband denied the bite, smiling as she felt the baby kick in enjoyment.

The black car zoomed through the dark night. The voice of Ed Shreen filled the car as Naina hummed along to the tune of the song as she looked out the window. Her eyes widened and an excited gasp left her lips as she turned her body towards Umair. "Can we please go to to park?" Umair glanced at his wife with wide as to make sure she hadn't gone crazy, "it's -3⁰ outside and you want to give to the park?" Umair spoke, as she made a U turn as they passed the park. Naina's eyes sparked as she noticed her husband turning their car towards the park. Umair parked his black Audi next to curb by the park. The car stopped, and the engine was turned off. He reached his hands towards the back of the car, grabbing the brown blanket from the seat. He got out the car and walked swiftly to the passenger side of the car. The door opened and Umair reached out to take his wife's hands into his as he helped her out of the car. The chilly air caused Naina to shiver, but soon she was wrapped in warmth as Umair wrapped the blanket around her body. He walked her to the park bench and sat down with her. His wife laid her head on his shoulder.

Umair looked out to the swings. The image of a face flashed through his mind. His heart clenched as he remembered the brown eyes that would sparkle each time he'd pushed her on the swings, the sweet laugh that echoed in his ears as he remembered how she would laugh when he would chase her. Then the image of her redden eyes filled his mind, he remembered the rage he felt as the man he trusted her with send a slap to her face.

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