4. P R O M I S E

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She walked up to the window in his room. The water beneath the house waved wildly; the rain poured down, each drop matching the drop of tear that left Hoorain's eye.

They crushed all her dreams. Her family had blindly thrown her away. They had never cared about her, nothing mattered to them. They never cared whether she was all right, if she was happy. They were the reason she was completely and utterly torn apart. The stings of her heart were at the bridge of breaking.

The only hope she had ever held onto was the fact that she had her lord, Allah, by her side. She knew her lord would always be by her side. Allah had given her Umair, her big brother. Now she was away from him. From his hugs that made her feel so safe. He had always protected her. He was always by her side, no matter what. It hadn't even been a few hours since she left her house, if she can even call it her house. That was never her house. She was just a guest in that house.

Hoorain wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. The pain in her heart was unbearable. A small sob left her lips as she started out the window. She took in the beautiful scenario of the trees, the crashing waves of water.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thought. She wiped her tears, no longer caring about her makeup. The bride rushed to the bed. She sat down, covering her face with her veil as she spread the skirt of her outfit around her.

The door opened as Asad walked in. His green eyes met the sight of his wife. She sat in the middle of his bed, her red lengha surrounded her. He took a small step towards his wife.

Hoorain held her breath, her heart beating faster at every step he took towards the bed. Her hands clenched on to the fabric of her dress. The skirt of her bridal outfit was spread around her veil covered her, her face. The bride had her eyes closed, prepared for what is coming.

She wasn't ready to face him. She was terrified, and the beating of her heart was her witness. Her shaky hands fiddled with the edge of her shirt.

Her eyes stared at the diamond on her finger, a tear slipped from her eye. She felt the bed dip as her husband took a seat beside her.

"Hoorain" his voice was deep, filled with emotions as he stared at his wife. Her beauty was like he had never seen before. Her white skin was flawless, the makeup just elevated her beauty. His heart soared with pride knowing this beautiful woman was his, his wife. They had adorned her for him, to look beautiful for him. His hands moved forward. They gripped the edge of her red veil, lifting it up.

She was breath-taking. Her brown eyes started up at him innocently. It brimmed them with tears. Asad reached his hand to wipe her tear. His hand paused mid air as he noticed his wife's shaking body.

"Are you cold?" He got up, grabbing the throw blanket that was placed on the couch. He walked toward the fireplace was in the room, he lit the fire up, using the matches next to the TV. Immediately heat flowed in the room. Asad walked towards his wife. He lightly wrapped it over her shaking shoulders.

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