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I didn't expect her to still be here but I thought I should knock just in case.

"Come in" I was surprised that she was still here

shouldn't you be home already, then again so should I  I Said

I walked in and smiled when Dinah looked up and gave me a dazzling smile.

"Mani, what are you still doing here?" She asked me with a smile still on her face.

"I guess I just lost track of time" I said as I walked over her desk.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked and she let out a long sigh.

"I have some work to finish off that is expected to be handed in tomorrow" She told me and I gave Her a sad smile.

"Well I hope these help" I said as I handed her the files I had just finished working on.

Dinah smiled at me "thank you Mani " she said and I smiled back.

I looked over at her desk and noticed the pile of work that was there.

"Do you expect to get that all finished tonight?" I asked and She gave me a small smile and looked over to her desk.

"I don't expect to but it has to be finished" Dinah told me and I set my bag down on her desk and looked back at her.

"Well lets get started then" I told Dinah.

"Mani I don't expect you to help me, I can do it on my own" she argued and I shook my head.

"You know it would be in your best interest to just accept my help and besides you said yourself that you needed it finished" I told her . She smiled at me.

"Seriously Mani, its getting late you should go home"

"I will go home once we have finished all this" I waved my hand at the stack of files and she let out a sigh.

"Thank you" she replied simply and I smiled at her.

It was fun working with Dinah , of course the work was hard but we talked and joked the entire time.

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