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What the hell just happened Laura asked as they drove away A'Nyhla Just watched the road .... when they got back to the house Laura looked at Ny asking her if she was okay she had this Blank stare

Ny Talk to me Laura said

She just sat there

Look I didn't mean to talk about your birth mom like that I meant that she's all White and your are my Chocolate Chicken head

A'Nyhla Laugh

Bitch did you just call me A Chocolate chicken head A'Nyhla said

I did,Now What's wrong  Chicken Laura asked

I just don't understand How could she not want did I do something wrong...What did I do for her not to want me Ny said

There is nothing you did...or could do she wanted to leave and when she did you gain a Better mother somebody who would lay down their life for yours,in a away this was meant to happen Aunt mani is your mother she's the only mother you will need,I had to learn that when Lauren Walked away from me

Your right Ny said as they got out the car and went in the house

Mom I'm home Ny said

Hey baby, how was your day Normani asked

better now that I'm home She Said

Come on we have to get ready for the party bye Auntie Laura said Dragging Ny upstairs

I really don't wanna Go anymore A'Nyhla said

What no You have to Laura said


Because Kassie wants to see you  I think she likes you Laura said

Mhm. You just wanna go see Rashaad and his Gold mouth Ny said

Come on I know you like Kassie Laura said

How I never Kissed anyone let alone been in a relationship A'Nyhla said

You need this All that Hurt you been holding on to I think she will help you go free of it Laura said

She don't even know me and I don't know her..... I met her today A'Nyhla said

Look I just- 

Come on Cousin I don't wanna see you sad no more Laura said

I'm not sad Ny said

I know that fake ass smile I used to do the fake ass smile Laura said

Fine but I'm wearing what The hell I want Ny said

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