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So glad you got Victor To Babysit Ally said"Of course he's like a Brother to me Mani said

Hey I'm Michael and This my Brother Chris and We wanted to know if we could buy you ladies a Drink

That's very Sweet but I am Married Ally said" no worries and you ma'am "

It's complicated she said " no worries they said Walking away "

Who was that Lauren asked as they can back with drinks " Laura's Father Probably Dinah said under her breath "

What the fuck Dinah you have been saying Slick shit all night Ally said" what's slick is you Lying to Yourself about who Laura's Father is Dinah said

What are Talking Lauren said " Dinah what the fuck  Mani said

Mani Ally said " Ally I'm sorry I just slipped I didn't mean -

What Do you mean Who her father is Dinah Lauren asked " I mean She's not your Daughter Dinah said

You cheated on me Lauren asked "Lauren-

I can't even look at you Lauren walking off " No Lauren wait please Ally said Following her out

You couldn't Leave it alone could you Mani said " Lauren Deserved to know  That she had been Cheated on Dinah said

Didn't I deserve to know too mani said


Maybe you should have stayed in L.A Dinah Mani said Leaving
Next day Mani went over to Apologize to Ally

Ally what's wrong Mani asked" my son and My wife Are leaving me she said

What?! " this morning Lauren and I separated she said

You guys are getting a Divorce" No Separated legally we are still married but we don't have to be together and she can Do what And Who ever she wants Ally said

What about LJ" He decided he wanted to be With his Mom And Left with Lauren and Mateo An Hours ago She said

Ally In so sorry This All my fault Mani said" it's not It's mine I cheated On Lauren And Have a Baby And made her believe That she was hers Ally said

Lauren Cheated too and you didn't leave " She was Honest when it happened I never told her "b

How is Laura " She didn't Understand why her Mama And Brothers left But No it's my job to Explain that to my Baby She said

I'm here For you Mani said hugging her

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