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9 hours later the doctor's can and told Ally that with the Bullet in her head and 7 her chest Lauren is very lucky

So Doctor Brown why would it seem to her that I was her wife still Ally asked

Whenever the bullet inter her Skull the last person she was thinking about was you when she got here... All she kept saying is my wife is waiting for me... Ms.Kelly was confused she didn't know why you got here Ms.Allyson I think you saved her life

Ally just stood there looking at Him while Kelly Stood there with tears in her eyes

I'm going for a walk Kelly said as they Put Lauren back In the room

Ally sat down next to Lauren's bed

Married or not I'm here for you Lauren  Ally said holding her hand
Two weeks later

We are home Laura said

Yeah we missed the bus and had to walk in the rain Ny said

Why didn't you asked your brothers for a ride Dinah asked

We did they drove passed us Laura said

Good job boy's I think they Learned there lesson Normani said

Here Dinah said giving them Their phones back can I have the car back please Ny asked

I'm not sure Dinah said Looking at Normani

Give it to her but you pull some shit like you did That night and you both won't live to see another day Normani said

Yes mom
Yes Auntie
Lauren Opened her eyes to See Ally Laying her head on the bed Sleeping.....she looked around For Kelly and she was nowhere to be Found

Ally Lauren Said Shaking her


All's lauren said

Lauren! Your awake oh my goddess are you okay how are you feelingAlly asked

I'm fine Why are you here and where is Kelly Lauren asked

She left and they called me because on the paperwork here until still you're wife.....and you kept saying I want my wife I want my wife until I got here Ally said


Yeah you missed me huh Ally said With a smile

What no Lauren said

Lo I was The Last person you thought of while you was over Fighting Ally said

Okay so what doesn't mean anything Lauren said

It means a lot to me.... but hey what do I  know Ally Said

Exactly  I love my wife Lauren said

Then why haven't you let go my hand yet Ally said

Lauren looked down  and Smiled

You away Know how to-

Ms.Lauren you awake the doctor said

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