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Man Ion think they coming Kassie siad" just chill you know it don't get dark until 7 and it's 6:45" Rashaad said

Yeah But I mean People been here since 5:30Kassie said "Dude it's a party they will come and drink when ever they want  Laura and Her cousin coming Ite" Rashaad said

Meanwhile  With Laura and Ny

Bitch you finna be Really Colorful Laura said" and you about to walk " Ny

Fuck you Laura said" Okay by mom we are going Ny said

Wait a minute where do you think your goingMani asked

Party Ny said"a Party will the Parents be there" Mani asked

No it's a Party Auntie Laura said"but The Twins are there so we will be fine "

By mom They said Getting in separate cars " fine you can go but be safe My Love" mani said

Love you see later Ny and Laura said
Yo Laura just text me They are Finna Pull up Rashaad said "you been texting her all day Kassie said

Yeah Cause Imma make her my girl he said as the black Ranger Rover pulled

Kassie walked over to Ny as she got out the car

You wanna be like me bad Kassie said" mm so you copied my outfit Ny said

What? Nah baby you copied my outfit  She said"you wish Babygirl" Ny said

Laura Snapped a Picture if them Kassie looked up send me that picture

What are you doing Ny asked" posting our picture she said

You tagged me as your Gal Ny said" because at the end of the night you gonna be my  Girlfriend Kassie said

Is that so Ny said" yeah..... so you want a Drink She asked

I don't drink Ny said " well we have soda too Kassie said

That's nice Ny said

The outfit they are Matching in

The outfit they are Matching in

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