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"Pain is just a lack of understanding in one's mind"

The word "pain" is misused and reused every day. We use it as a misconception of sadness, or anger. In the eyes of someone who is hurting, they see the misconception of pain as somewhere to be. Somewhere to feel in their own little world, as to what they feel. Their hopes and dreams, crushed by "pain". It's not the physical aspect of pain which hurts them, it's the mental and emotional aspect of it all. It's what they think which contributes to what they feel. A misunderstood mind. A complexion of what people feel, using the word pain to describe this indescribable feeling. Of those who are hurt, and those who still feel. Of the ones who are numb, and those who feel empty. Pain is a common word used to describe these feelings. Feelings of numbness, hurt, emptiness and insanity. For they will never share these malicious feelings with anyone, fearful that they will become an outcast. There are only so many things in our society which keep them going, which give them a sense of hope. Things that give them another outlook on life and that things will get better. A person or an activity. These are some very small things which help them, every single day...

"Every good thing comes to an end". This was said by someone who knows what true pain feels like. To feel heartbreak, emptiness, insanity, uncontrollable and overflowing emotions caused by someone or something. Just these words alone are felt by people every day. They cause the depressing reality of what we face. This may seem unrealistic, too depressing to be true. But alas, this is the reality that we have made. The reality that causes teenagers, better yet children, to feel emotions which drive them to want to leave. Escape. Give up. These emotions could be prevented or could be helped, but the generation now isn't doing enough to help save the future generation. Our society teaches them that you have to be skinny or you have to have flawless makeup or you have to have a tiny waist, just to be liked. Just to be popular. THIS is why kids are so depressed. THIS is why we are miserable. And this is just the reason why we use the word "pain" as a word and meaning to surround everything that has contaminated our minds.   

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