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And what was I to you? Misleading. Misunderstood. False hope. This is what you caused. This is what you did to me. You messed with my emotions and when I gave in, you shut me out. I came clean and you pushed me into the mud. You took what I gave and ripped it up in front of me. You gave me this idea that there could be something between us, but then you tore my emotions up like a piece of scrap paper. You come to me with everything, why do this to me? Why hurt me like this? What did I ever do to deserve this? But the worst thing about it, is the fact that through everything you put me through, I would come back to you in a heartbeat. I wouldn't miss the opportunity for the world, because you are my world. Or, you were. When I'm with you, it's hard to breathe. I'm always so cautious of what I do and how I act, in dreadful fear that you would judge me and treat me as if I were an outcast. It pains me to see you upset, do you feel the same way? Do you understand the excruciating agony that you, just you, put me through? Harsh, maybe. But through everything, it's always been me. I've always been the one you come to. I've always been the one who is constantly by your side. I've always been the one you've come to, to talk about your problems too. And from this? This just shows your true colours to which i mean nothing to you. Depressing? Maybe. Crushing? Definitely. 

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