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Perhaps I was misled. Sucked into a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts surrounding that one specific person. That one specific feeling.

This is about you.

You took my mind and changed it with yours

You took my anger and replaced it with sadness

You took my life and replaced it with hurt

You gave me nothing to live for.

Nothing to live for is a heavy subject to carry,

Like walking up a hill with weight on your back

But instead, the weight is on your shoulders

Your head is falling slowly

You don't see anything else to care for.

When i'm gone, the sun will still shine,

The moon will still rise,

The seasons will still change,

The wind will still blow,

The dogs will still bark,

The cats will still purr.

Sometimes it's hard to comprehend,

How someone can be so miserable to make it end.

But for the world to stop,

They would need to be on top.

On top of the world,

In their own little minds.

Or on top of a cliff,

Getting ready to jump without looking behind.

My brothers will grow up and move on

My mother will grow old and forget

My father will move on, like he always did

My partner will find someone new

My best friends will mourn, but keep going with their lives.

The circle of life will continue rotating

It will not stop for me. 

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