1: Less than Strangers

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"You are not serious!" Frowns Dylan, as he sits across the table from his father

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"You are not serious!" Frowns Dylan, as he sits across the table from his father.

"It's tradition." His father says, smoking his cigar and swirling his whiskey in the glass.

"Its 2020 father!"

"It doesn't change the fact of who you are son."

"What if I say I won't do it?"

"I don't have time for your antics Dylan! You knew this day was coming. It's never been a secret to you!"

"If my mother was alive she would stop you from this barbaric act!"

Wang Zhiqiang's jaw tightens upon mention of his late wife. He glares at his son with eyes of steel and talks in a low menacing voice.

"Your mother knew everything there is to know about this tradition and she accepted it! She knew that when she bore me sons, they would have to go through the same thing. If she had given me daughters, they would have to accept it of their husbands. This is the way it's been done in our circles for centuries!"

Dylan is quiet as he listens to this. Not for the first time does he wish he was born in a different family. His father is a distant man whose main motivation in life is to accumulate as much wealth as possible and add it to the vast family fortune. They are old money and as is expected, the privileges this life affords also come with strings attached which are disguised as tradition.

As Dylan contemplates leaving the room and therefore effectively ending this conversation, his older brother walks in and sits down next to him. Wang Bolin is holding a red apple in one hand and a small silver knife in the other. He cuts a piece of the apple and puts it in his mouth. He looks at Dylan and smiles at him contemptuously. They have nothing in common.

"Is Dylan still whining about what is expected of him? What a joke!" He laughs sardonically. "Why don't you try being a man for once in your life, huh Dylan?"

"Dylan grimaces as he listens to his brothers taunts. Bolin is trying to bait him but he won't fall for it. Bolin never rests until he wins and Dylan would much rather avoid the mind games for now... he has other pressing concerns. His Father pushes his finger on the desk intercom.

"Bring in the merchandise now." He barks.

"What? Right now?'" Asks an alarmed Dylan.

His father says nothing, while his brother smirks, amused at Dylan's discomfort.

The doors open and in walks Jin, his father's faithful manservant. He may look like a mild mannered middle aged man with a head full of grey hair, but to underestimate him is a lethal mistake. Walking behind him is a young woman with an unreadable expression. She is very petite with long lashed large brown eyes that illuminate her face. She has mole just below her cherry red filled lips and another one above said lips on the diagonal end... it's all very becoming. She is dressed in a long sleeved, short black slip of a dress that accentuates her body attractively and she is also wearing black suede thigh high boots. She's very beautiful, Dylan thinks distractedly, but before he can process any further, his father speaks.

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